Enhance your email management process by bringing ChatGPT to HARPA AI:
With HARPA AI you can zero your inbox and experience state-of-the-art LLM features compatible with Gmail, Outlook, ProtonMail, and more.
Click the TL;DR command in Gmail or any other email client to get a brief email summary, improving signal to noise ratio in your inbox:
Once you have the email summary, select the Reply option to generate a response.
You'll see the current tone and personal information settings in code blocks, making it easy to copy-paste and modify.
Your tone is stored in HARPA locally and can be changed at any time from the same /reply command.
TLDR, Reply and Summary work across all websites and email services including Outlook, ProtonMail, Reddit, YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn. Crowded inbox is a thing of the past, save your time with HARPA AI.
All rights reserved © HARPA AI TECHNOLOGIES LLC, 2021 — 2024
Designed and engineered in Finland 🇫🇮