Getting Started with HARPA AI


# Welcome to HARPA AI


This guide helps you get started with HARPA AI. Please familiarize yourself with the product use cases and features by reviewing the sidebar section on the left. If you’re short on time, check out one of the YouTube video guides.

HARPA AI is the most practical AI Agent for the Web.

HARPA AI is used to:

  • Integrate AI into your web browser to run page-aware commands, display AI answers next to search results, summarize web pages into emails, tweets, and articles, generate content and email responses with ChatGPT, Claude or Gemini, and extract data, prices, and SEO keywords from web pages.
  • Monitor website content for changes to automatically detect price drops and back-in-stock product alerts, refresh web pages, turn websites into APIs with Make.com / Integromat, Zapier, Webhooks.

HARPA AI is a Swiss Army knife of a product 🇨🇭, designed to bring the future of Artificial Intelligence and Web Automation to your browser.

# Setting up HARPA AI

Setting up an AI assistant is easy if you have a ChatGPT, Claude AI or Google Gemini account and a Chromium-based browser.

  1. Install Google Chrome or one of the Chromium-based Browsers
  2. Get a free HARPA AI version from the official Chrome WebStore
  3. You can open HARPA AI on any website by clicking the HARPA AI icon in the top right corner or by pressing Alt+A (on Windows) or ^+A (on Mac).
  4. Open HARPA AI, locate the model switch on the bottom left corner of the interface. Click on it to select one of supported LLM connections, e.g. GPT-3.5, GPT-4, OpenAI Key, Gemini, Claude AI and others.

Once connected to an LLM provider, ask HARPA any question or use one of the built-in commands. For example, try typing /tldr in the chat to get a summary of the current web page.

HARPA supports parameters, such as {{page}} to reference page content directly in your prompts. Find more info in parameters guide.

# Supported LLM connections

# ChatGPT Web session (GPT-3.5, GPT-4)

HARPA AI works with free OpenAI accounts and ChatGPT Plus, supporting GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models. It takes you to the ChatGPT login page on your first request. Read more about ChatGPT Web session


If you're a ChatGPT Plus user and do not have GPT-4 in your connections list, send a single GPT-3.5 message to refresh the connections list.

# OpenAI API

Connecting to OpenAI API directly is the most reliable way to use AI features. Please be aware that OpenAI API access is paid per volume of requests and page-aware commands may consume many tokens. Click here for a detailed guide

# GPTs

GPTs can be selected as an AI connection in HARPA AI and used in any web tab, making your custom GPTs page-aware. Learn more

# Claude AI

Claude AI is seen as an solid alternative to ChatGPT because of its ability to handle and remember more information.

Claude AI can accept files, including PDFs, txt, and csv. Also, text from Claude AI scores better on content originality tests like Originality.AI.

However, bear in mind that prompting for Claude AI is different. We advise you to first send instructions, followed by the text for processing in your next message.

More info on connecting HARPA to Claude AI

# Google Gemini (ex Bard)

Google Gemini is an experimental AI chat service developed by Google. It operates in a manner similar to ChatGPT, although the key distinction is that Gemini retrieves its information directly from the web. Like other AI chatbots, Gemini has the capability to code, solve math tasks, and assist with writing.

Click here for more on Google Gemini connection

# OpenRouter

OpenRouter.AI is a standardized API platform designed to facilitate the use of multiple LLMs: OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo, Anthropic's Claude, Nous' Capybara models, Mistral AI models, Google's PaLM, and many others. Each model comes with its own context token limits, pricing, and moderation status.

Learn how to connect HARPA AI to OpenRouter, enabling you to work in HARPA AI through Mistral AI, LLAMA, or Perplexity

# CloudGPT

Cloud GPT is our premium connection. It has significantly less downtime and isn't restricted by country, ensuring availability even if ChatGPT servers are at capacity.

You are billed based on your usage, measured in Megatokens, which can be purchased regardless of your subscription plan. S plan users get Megatokens as part of their package.

Cloud GPT supports GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude 2.1 and ClaudeAI 3 Haiku / Sonnet / Opus models.

Future updates will include the addition of Gemini APIs to CloudGPT, further enhancing the stability and speed of your connections.

More info on CloudGPT

# Using HARPA AI commands

HARPA AI offers over 100 built-in page-aware commands, also called Workflows, which you can check out on Use Cases page.

Commands streamline your workflow across various platforms including LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Amazon, Quora, StackOverflow, and more.

Commands simplify marketing, SEO, learning, and content creation, serve as powerful one-click tools for generating engaging content, optimizing SEO strategies, improving your CV, summarizing web pages and YouTube videos, reviewing job applications, writing or fixing code snippets, extracting prices and keywords, looking for alternatives, researching information and crafting captivating stories.

# How to use commands


HARPA shows the most popular commands, eliminating the need to type /. For example, HARPA shows YouTube summary and Repurpose Video on the YouTube video pages.

  1. Navigate to any website and press Alt+A or click the plugin icon in the Chrome Toolbar. HARPA will open.
  2. Type slash symbol / in HARPA chat to bring a list of prompts and commands.
  3. Type a word, like /article or /linkedin, to get a list of related AI commands.

# AI features overview

HARPA works as AI Copilot for Chrome. It understands web page semantics, converts web pages into text documents, and feeds them to AI. This makes HARPA an ultimate browser automation assistant and allows you to do the following:

# Automation features overview

Our goal at HARPA AI is to bring the future of AI-assisted personal web automation.

HARPA features an automation engine, capable of running, inspecting and acting upon the web pages in background.

HARPA automation capabilities can be divided into two segments: AI Automations & Monitoring Features.

# AI Automations

With HARPA AI, you can create reusable AI automations.

For example, you can develop a custom command to extract all YouTube transcripts from a channel and build a custom GPT on top of the YouTube channel content.

You can build HARPA automations to monitor website updates, so that whenever a new blog post appears, HARPA automatically navigates to the link and generates your own blog post which outranks your competitor.

# Monitoring Features

The most basic feature of HARPA AI web automation is its ability to monitor data on web pages. To access the web monitoring, switch to AUTOMATE tab in HARPA AI interface.

Then pick what you would like to monitor, e.g. a price, page content, line of text, a data element or simply ask it to refresh the page periodically e.g. if you are monitoring a KPI dashboard.

HARPA AI will refresh the web page periodically in the background and will notify you whenever the page, price or the data you monitor changes. The monitoring feature is used in a wide range of applications, including:

  • Buying when price drops. Create web monitors that periodically extract prices from any e-commerce platform, such as Walmart, Amazon and H&M, and notify you when prices drop, saving you money on online purchases.
  • Snatching the best deals. Monitor web pages for specific text to appear (e.g. Discount) or disappear (e.g. Out of Stock) to be the first snatching the best offers, buying products or claiming appointments.
  • Report Website Downtime. Set up a HARPA monitor to check if a website or blog is down or has been defaced.
  • Auto-refresh Pages. Periodically auto-refresh web pages, track appointment slots availability, jobs and vacancies, articles and legislations, changes in competitors’ pricing pages, competitor product rollouts, hotels, and airline tickets.
  • Turns Websites into APIs. API-fy any website for which no official API is available. Build data dashboards and IFTTT chains for your business and customers. Connect HARPA to 3rd party applications via webhooks and Make.com / Integromat
  • Track competitors. Use HARPA AI to keep an eye on your competitor websites and receive notifications whenever they update.

HARPA AI runs automations transparently. You can check the progress and results of the web monitoring and automation tasks on the HARPA AI automations dashboard.

# Limitations & Power Messages

Power messages are AI commands, page-aware, web-aware prompts and parameters sent in chat.


Power messages and rate limited on Free plan. You can unlock unlimited power messages by getting X plan, which is a one-time payment, or upgrading to any of the S-tier plans, which start at 15 USD / month.

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