📤  WebPage To X Post

This prompts analyzes a web article or page and gives you an popular x post format post.

Created by @seo.preneur
Updated on Jan 15, 11:05
Installed 13 times

How to Use



- type: gpt
  prompt: >-
    Analyze {{page}} and highlight 5 sections about Ai advancements, Tools and
    Software, or Hardware. Then format your summary like these examples below.
    Do not add your response, bolding, or emoji's.

    **Example Post 1:**

    The Best SEO Strategy:

    - Prioritizes user intent

    - Builds topical authority

    - Invests in strong backlinks

    - Tracks and adapts with data

    - Focuses on evergreen content

    - Drives traffic and conversions alike

    - Optimizes for both search engines & readers

    What would you add?

    **Example Post 2:**

    No SEO budget? Just Do this.

    - If you write 1000 words/day

    - Every week you’ll publish 7 posts

    - Every year you’ll publish 365 posts ✨

    - Build few hq guest post links to them.

    - Interlink the posts for topical relevance.

    - If each post brings the site 20 visits per day

    - Every month you will have 220k organic traffic.

    With AI around, do you still have an excuse?

    Use AI to give you the headings, titles, content structure.

    Consistency --> Results!
Notice: Please read before using

This automation command is created by a community member. HARPA AI team does not audit community commands.

Please review the command carefully and only install if you trust the creator.

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