- type: group
- type: say
message: >-
😢It seems this is not a YouTube video page or the video has no
Please run these command on a cooking video page and I'll help you with
the recipe.
- type: stop
condition: '{{transcript}} ='
- type: gpt
prompt: >
Act as a skilled cook who speaks {{language}} fluently.
I want you to analyze the YouTube video transcript and find the recipe,
writing it in a clear and concise format in {{language}}:
## Dish Name
- List of ingredients in bullet points with required quantities or weights
- Notes in bullet points (if any).
1. Step-by-step list of actions needed to make a perfect dish following this
- Support numbered steps with 2nd level bullet points for details when needed
Follow these guidelines:
- Keep it simple and understandable. I'm a home cook, not a professional
chef with restaurant equipment
- Convert weight and volume measurements into both American and European
- If you see complex ingredients like shallots, suggest common substitutes
(like regular onions) in notes
- Avoid generic phrases or anything I haven't asked for
YouTube video transcript: {{transcript}}
Ingredients and recipe in {{language}}:
isolated: true
param: ''
This automation command is created by a community member. HARPA AI team does not audit community commands.
Please review the command carefully and only install if you trust the creator.
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