🤖  SEO Agent v1.1

Generates SEO-optimized blog content from provided texts, keywords, topics, URLs, or YouTube videos.

Created by Promptly
Updated on Nov 11, 2024 08:12
Installed 124 times

How to Use



- type: group
    - type: ask
      param: basic-choice
      message: >-
        ⚡️ Select any input for content generation or select an option.

        💡 Claude 3.5 Sonnet produces better quality but is slower.

        🤖 I'll do it all automatically and let you know when I need your input
        during the process.
        - label: ✅ USE THIS VIDEO
          value: video
        - label: 📌 KEYWORD OR TOPIC
          value: keywords
        - label: 📝 TEXT
          value: text
        - label: 🌐 OTHER URL
          value: url
        - $custom
      default: ''
      optionsInvalid: false
    - type: jump
      to: START VIDEO
      condition: '{{basic-choice}} = video'
    - to: START URL
      condition: '{{basic-choice}} = url'
      type: jump
    - to: START TEXT
      condition: '{{basic-choice}} = text'
      type: jump
      condition: '{{basic-choice}} = keywords'
      type: jump
    - steps:
        - steps:
            - type: navigate
              url: '{{basic-choice}}'
              silent: true
              waitForIdle: false
            - type: jump
              to: START VIDEO
          condition: '{{basic-choice}} =~ ^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch.*'
          label: YT VIDEO
          type: group
        - steps:
            - type: calc
              func: set
              param: webpage
              format: ''
              value: '{{basic-choice}}'
            - to: TRY TO FETCH
              type: jump
          condition: '{{basic-choice}} =~ ^(?!.*youtube).*https?:\/\/.*'
          label: OTHER URL
          type: group
        - steps:
            - param: context
              type: calc
              func: set
              format: ''
              value: '{{basic-choice}}'
            - to: FORM QUERY MESSAGE
              type: jump
          condition: '{{basic-choice}} =~ [\s\S]{121,}'
          label: TO TEXT (>121)
          type: group
        - steps:
            - param: query
              type: calc
              func: set
              format: ''
              value: '{{basic-choice}}'
            - to: KEYWORDS-OPTION
              type: jump
          condition: '{{basic-choice}} =~ ^[\s\S]{1,120}$'
          label: TO KEYWORDS (<120)
          type: group
      condition: '{{basic-choice-option}} = $custom'
      type: group
  label: ⚙️ YOUTUBE VID MENU
  condition: '{{url}} =~ ^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch.*'
- steps:
    - message: >-
        ⚡️ Submit any input for content generation or select an option.

        💡 Claude 3.5 Sonnet produces better quality but is slower.

        🤖 I'll do it all automatically and let you know when I need your input
        during the process.
        - label: ✅ THIS WEBPAGE
          value: page
        - label: 📌 KEYWORD OR TOPIC
          value: keywords
        - label: 📝 TEXT
          value: text
        - label: 🌐 OTHER URL
          value: url
        - label: 📹 YT VIDEO
          value: video
        - $custom
      type: ask
      param: basic-choice
      default: ''
      optionsInvalid: false
    - type: jump
      to: START VIDEO
      condition: '{{basic-choice}} = video'
    - type: jump
      to: START URL
      condition: '{{basic-choice}} = url'
    - type: jump
      to: START TEXT
      condition: '{{basic-choice}} = text'
    - type: jump
      condition: '{{basic-choice}} = keywords'
    - to: START PAGE
      condition: '{{basic-choice}} = page'
      type: jump
    - steps:
        - steps:
            - type: navigate
              url: '{{basic-choice}}'
              waitForIdle: false
              silent: true
            - type: jump
              to: START VIDEO
          type: group
          condition: '{{basic-choice}} =~ ^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch.*'
          label: YT VIDEO
        - steps:
            - type: calc
              func: set
              param: webpage
              format: ''
              value: '{{basic-choice}}'
            - type: jump
              to: TRY TO FETCH
          type: group
          condition: '{{basic-choice}} =~ ^(?!.*youtube).*https?:\/\/.*'
          label: OTHER URL
        - steps:
            - type: calc
              func: set
              param: context
              format: ''
              value: '{{basic-choice}}'
            - type: jump
              to: FORM QUERY MESSAGE
          type: group
          condition: '{{basic-choice}} =~ [\s\S]{121,}'
          label: TO TEXT (>121)
        - steps:
            - type: calc
              func: set
              param: query
              format: ''
              value: '{{basic-choice}}'
            - type: jump
              to: KEYWORDS-OPTION
          type: group
          condition: '{{basic-choice}} =~ ^[\s\S]{1,120}$'
          label: TO KEYWORDS (<120)
        - steps:
            - type: jump
              to: START PAGE
          condition: '{{basic-choice}} = {{page}}'
          label: TO {{PAGE}}
          type: group
      type: group
      condition: '{{basic-choice-option}} = $custom'
  label: ⚙️ ANY PAGE MENU
  type: group
- steps:
    - message: 💬 Enter Keyword or Topic
      options: null
      type: ask
      param: query
      default: ''
    - param: keywords-option
        - label: ⚡️ QUICK
          value: quick
        - label: 🦾 ADVANCED
          value: advanced
      type: ask
      message: ''
      default: ''
      optionsInvalid: false
      label: KEYWORDS-OPTION
    - steps:
        - param: information
          value: '{{serp {{query}}}}'
          type: calc
          func: set
          format: ''
        - func: serp.extract-links
          to: links
          type: calc
          from: information
        - type: say
          message: |-
            ✅ URLs extracted:

            - [{{links.0.title}}]({{links.0.url}}) 
            - [{{links.1.title}}]({{links.1.url}}) 
            - [{{links.2.title}}]({{links.2.url}}) 
            - [{{links.3.title}}]({{links.3.url}}) 
            - [{{links.4.title}}]({{links.4.url}}) 
            - [{{links.5.title}}]({{links.5.url}}) 
            - [{{links.6.title}}]({{links.6.url}}) 
            - [{{links.7.title}}]({{links.7.url}}) 
        - steps:
            - param: startpage
              value: '{{url}}'
              type: calc
              func: set
              format: ''
            - steps:
                - url: '{{links.0.url}}'
                  type: navigate
                  waitForIdle: false
                  silent: true
                - param: pagetext
                  value: '{{page}}'
                  type: calc
                  func: set
                  format: ''
                - type: js
                  code: |2-
                              function extractMarkdownHeaders(args) {
                                const pagetext = args.pagetext;
                                const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                                const matches = pagetext.match(headersRegex);

                                if (matches) {
                                  const headers = matches.map(header => `"${header.trim()}"`).join(', ');
                                  console.log('Markdown headers:', headers);
                                  return headers;
                                } else {
                                  console.log('No Markdown headers found.');
                                  return ' ';

                              return extractMarkdownHeaders(args)
                  param: singleoutline
                  label: HEADINGS EXTRACTION
                  args: pagetext
                  silent: true
                - func: list-add
                  index: last
                  list: headings
                  type: calc
                  item: singleoutline
                - param: relevant
                  value: '{{page {{query}} limit=15%}}'
                  type: calc
                  func: set
                  format: ''
                - code: |
                    function cleanText(text) {
                        const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                        // DELETE H1-H4
                        let cleanedText = text.replace(headersRegex, '');

                        // DELETE SHORT LINES
                        cleanedText = cleanedText.split('\n').filter(line => line.length >= 25).join('\n');

                        // DELETE \n
                        return cleanedText.replace(/\n/g, ' ');

                    return cleanText(args.relevant);
                  label: CONTEXT EXTRACTION
                  type: js
                  args: relevant
                  param: relevant
                  silent: true
                - list: cleantext
                  type: calc
                  func: list-add
                  index: last
                  item: relevant
              label: 1ST URL
              type: group
            - steps:
                - url: '{{links.1.url}}'
                  type: navigate
                  waitForIdle: false
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: set
                  param: pagetext
                  format: ''
                  value: '{{page}}'
                - type: js
                  code: |2-
                              function extractMarkdownHeaders(args) {
                                const pagetext = args.pagetext;
                                const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                                const matches = pagetext.match(headersRegex);

                                if (matches) {
                                  const headers = matches.map(header => `"${header.trim()}"`).join(', ');
                                  console.log('Markdown headers:', headers);
                                  return headers;
                                } else {
                                  console.log('No Markdown headers found.');
                                  return ' ';

                              return extractMarkdownHeaders(args)
                  args: pagetext
                  param: singleoutline
                  label: HEADINGS EXTRACTION
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: list-add
                  index: last
                  list: headings
                  item: singleoutline
                - type: calc
                  func: set
                  param: relevant
                  format: ''
                  value: '{{page {{query}} limit=15%}}'
                - type: js
                  code: |
                    function cleanText(text) {
                        const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                        // DELETE H1-H4
                        let cleanedText = text.replace(headersRegex, '');

                        // DELETE SHORT LINES
                        cleanedText = cleanedText.split('\n').filter(line => line.length >= 25).join('\n');

                        // DELETE \n
                        return cleanedText.replace(/\n/g, ' ');

                    return cleanText(args.relevant);
                  args: relevant
                  param: relevant
                  label: CONTEXT EXTRACTION
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: list-add
                  index: last
                  list: cleantext
                  item: relevant
              label: 2ND URL
              type: group
            - steps:
                - url: '{{links.3.url}}'
                  type: navigate
                  waitForIdle: false
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: set
                  param: pagetext
                  format: ''
                  value: '{{page}}'
                - type: js
                  code: |2-
                              function extractMarkdownHeaders(args) {
                                const pagetext = args.pagetext;
                                const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                                const matches = pagetext.match(headersRegex);

                                if (matches) {
                                  const headers = matches.map(header => `"${header.trim()}"`).join(', ');
                                  console.log('Markdown headers:', headers);
                                  return headers;
                                } else {
                                  console.log('No Markdown headers found.');
                                  return ' ';

                              return extractMarkdownHeaders(args)
                  args: pagetext
                  param: singleoutline
                  label: HEADINGS EXTRACTION
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: list-add
                  index: last
                  list: headings
                  item: singleoutline
                - type: calc
                  func: set
                  param: relevant
                  format: ''
                  value: '{{page {{query}} limit=15%}}'
                - type: js
                  code: |
                    function cleanText(text) {
                        const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                        // DELETE H1-H4
                        let cleanedText = text.replace(headersRegex, '');

                        // DELETE SHORT LINES
                        cleanedText = cleanedText.split('\n').filter(line => line.length >= 25).join('\n');

                        // DELETE \n
                        return cleanedText.replace(/\n/g, ' ');

                    return cleanText(args.relevant);
                  args: relevant
                  param: relevant
                  label: CONTEXT EXTRACTION
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: list-add
                  index: last
                  list: cleantext
                  item: relevant
              label: 3RD URL
              type: group
            - url: '{{startpage}}'
              type: navigate
              waitForIdle: false
              silent: true
          label: HEADINGS AND CONTEXT
          type: group
        - message: ⏳ Preparing context, wait a bit...
          type: say
        - type: gpt
          prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions. 

            The output should be in {{language}}.

            Act as a very proficient SEO and high end copywriter.

            I want you to combine three texts into one, covering all important

            - Focus on creating in-depth, informative paragraphs. Ensure that
            the content is factually accurate and verifiable.

            - Keep as much useful information as you can.

            - Avoid filler phrases and notes.

            - Do not repeat any instructions or my task.

            - Respond only with the combined text, without including any notes.

            [TEXTS TO COMBINE]:

            1. {{cleantext.0}}

            2. {{cleantext.1}}

            3. {{cleantext.2}}

          label: CREATE CONTEXT
          param: context
          silent: true
        - prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions. 

            The output should be in {{language}}.

            Act as a very proficient SEO and high end copywriter.

            I want you to ntegrate all of the URLs into relevant locations in
            [TEXT]using Markdown formatting: [title](url).

            - [{{links.0.title}}]({{links.0.url}}): {{links.0.description}}

            - [{{links.1.title}}]({{links.1.url}}): {{links.1.description}}

            - [{{links.2.title}}]({{links.2.url}}): {{links.2.description}}

            - [{{links.3.title}}]({{links.3.url}}): {{links.3.description}}

            - [{{links.4.title}}]({{links.4.url}}): {{links.4.description}}

            - [{{links.5.title}}]({{links.5.url}}): {{links.5.description}}

            - [{{links.6.title}}]({{links.6.url}}): {{links.6.description}}

            - [{{links.7.title}}]({{links.7.url}}): {{links.7.description}}


            - Do not modify the [TEXT].

            - Each URL should be integrated only once.

            - Modify the [titles] for better integration.

            - Spread the URLs throughout the text. 

            - Avoid putting too many markdown links in one section.



          label: URLS TO CONTEXT
          type: gpt
          param: context
          silent: true
        - message: |-
            ✅ Context generated

          type: say
        - prompt: >-
            I want you to respond only in {{language}} and output a single list.

            Pretend to be a SEO keyword research expert.

            Read the [SERP] and [CONTEXT] that I will provide you and find top
            20 LSI keywords in SERP and your internal knowledge, each containing
            at least 2 words:

            - Please identify and list LSI Keywords that are specifically
            associated with [MY QUERY].

            - When extracting these keywords, focus on finding terms that are
            not just relevant in a broad sense but are specifically combined or
            contextually linked with [MY QUERY] that I will provide you later.

            - Response with only these LSI keywords, separated by commas. 

            - Do not add any notes, write only comma separated keywords.

            - Do not echo my prompt.

            [MY QUERY]: {{query}}


            - {{links.0.title}}: {{links.0.description}}

            - {{links.1.title}}: {{links.1.description}}

            - {{links.2.title}}: {{links.2.description}}

            - {{links.3.title}}: {{links.3.description}}

            - {{links.4.title}}: {{links.4.description}}

            - {{links.5.title}}: {{links.5.description}}

            - {{links.6.title}}: {{links.6.description}}

            - {{links.7.title}}: {{links.7.description}}



            [ONLY KEYWORDS]:
          label: FIND KEYWORDS
          type: gpt
          param: keywords
          silent: true
        - message: |-
            ✅ LSI Keywords extracted from SERP

          type: say
      condition: '{{keywords-option}} = quick'
      label: QUICK SCENARIO
      type: group
    - steps:
        - type: calc
          func: set
          param: information
          format: ''
          value: '{{serp {{query}}}}'
        - type: calc
          func: serp.extract-links
          from: information
          to: links
        - message: |-
            ☑️ Main Query URLs extracted:

            - [{{links.0.title}}]({{links.0.url}}) 
            - [{{links.1.title}}]({{links.1.url}}) 
            - [{{links.2.title}}]({{links.2.url}}) 
            - [{{links.3.title}}]({{links.3.url}}) 
            - [{{links.4.title}}]({{links.4.url}}) 
            - [{{links.5.title}}]({{links.5.url}}) 
            - [{{links.6.title}}]({{links.6.url}}) 
            - [{{links.7.title}}]({{links.7.url}}) 
          type: say
        - steps:
            - type: calc
              func: set
              param: startpage
              format: ''
              value: '{{url}}'
            - steps:
                - type: navigate
                  url: '{{links.0.url}}'
                  waitForIdle: false
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: set
                  param: pagetext
                  format: ''
                  value: '{{page}}'
                - type: js
                  code: |2-
                              function extractMarkdownHeaders(args) {
                                const pagetext = args.pagetext;
                                const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                                const matches = pagetext.match(headersRegex);

                                if (matches) {
                                  const headers = matches.map(header => `"${header.trim()}"`).join(', ');
                                  console.log('Markdown headers:', headers);
                                  return headers;
                                } else {
                                  console.log('No Markdown headers found.');
                                  return ' ';

                              return extractMarkdownHeaders(args)
                  args: pagetext
                  param: singleoutline
                  label: HEADINGS EXTRACTION
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: list-add
                  index: last
                  list: headings
                  item: singleoutline
                - type: calc
                  func: set
                  param: relevant
                  format: ''
                  value: '{{page {{query}} limit=15%}}'
                - type: js
                  code: |
                    function cleanText(text) {
                        const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                        // DELETE H1-H4
                        let cleanedText = text.replace(headersRegex, '');

                        // DELETE SHORT LINES
                        cleanedText = cleanedText.split('\n').filter(line => line.length >= 25).join('\n');

                        // DELETE \n
                        return cleanedText.replace(/\n/g, ' ');

                    return cleanText(args.relevant);
                  args: relevant
                  param: relevant
                  label: CONTEXT EXTRACTION
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: list-add
                  index: last
                  list: cleantext
                  item: relevant
              type: group
              label: 1ST URL
            - steps:
                - type: navigate
                  url: '{{links.1.url}}'
                  waitForIdle: false
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: set
                  param: pagetext
                  format: ''
                  value: '{{page}}'
                - type: js
                  code: |2-
                              function extractMarkdownHeaders(args) {
                                const pagetext = args.pagetext;
                                const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                                const matches = pagetext.match(headersRegex);

                                if (matches) {
                                  const headers = matches.map(header => `"${header.trim()}"`).join(', ');
                                  console.log('Markdown headers:', headers);
                                  return headers;
                                } else {
                                  console.log('No Markdown headers found.');
                                  return ' ';

                              return extractMarkdownHeaders(args)
                  args: pagetext
                  param: singleoutline
                  label: HEADINGS EXTRACTION
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: list-add
                  index: last
                  list: headings
                  item: singleoutline
                - type: calc
                  func: set
                  param: relevant
                  format: ''
                  value: '{{page {{query}} limit=15%}}'
                - type: js
                  code: |
                    function cleanText(text) {
                        const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                        // DELETE H1-H4
                        let cleanedText = text.replace(headersRegex, '');

                        // DELETE SHORT LINES
                        cleanedText = cleanedText.split('\n').filter(line => line.length >= 25).join('\n');

                        // DELETE \n
                        return cleanedText.replace(/\n/g, ' ');

                    return cleanText(args.relevant);
                  args: relevant
                  param: relevant
                  label: CONTEXT EXTRACTION
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: list-add
                  index: last
                  list: cleantext
                  item: relevant
              type: group
              label: 2ND URL
            - steps:
                - type: navigate
                  url: '{{links.3.url}}'
                  waitForIdle: false
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: set
                  param: pagetext
                  format: ''
                  value: '{{page}}'
                - type: js
                  code: |2-
                              function extractMarkdownHeaders(args) {
                                const pagetext = args.pagetext;
                                const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                                const matches = pagetext.match(headersRegex);

                                if (matches) {
                                  const headers = matches.map(header => `"${header.trim()}"`).join(', ');
                                  console.log('Markdown headers:', headers);
                                  return headers;
                                } else {
                                  console.log('No Markdown headers found.');
                                  return ' ';

                              return extractMarkdownHeaders(args)
                  args: pagetext
                  param: singleoutline
                  label: HEADINGS EXTRACTION
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: list-add
                  index: last
                  list: headings
                  item: singleoutline
                - type: calc
                  func: set
                  param: relevant
                  format: ''
                  value: '{{page {{query}} limit=15%}}'
                - type: js
                  code: |
                    function cleanText(text) {
                        const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                        // DELETE H1-H4
                        let cleanedText = text.replace(headersRegex, '');

                        // DELETE SHORT LINES
                        cleanedText = cleanedText.split('\n').filter(line => line.length >= 25).join('\n');

                        // DELETE \n
                        return cleanedText.replace(/\n/g, ' ');

                    return cleanText(args.relevant);
                  args: relevant
                  param: relevant
                  label: CONTEXT EXTRACTION
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: list-add
                  index: last
                  list: cleantext
                  item: relevant
              type: group
              label: 3RD URL
            - type: navigate
              url: '{{startpage}}'
              waitForIdle: false
              silent: true
          type: group
          label: HEADINGS AND CONTEXT
        - message: ⏳ Preparing basic context, wait a bit...
          type: say
        - type: gpt
          prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions. 

            The output should be in {{language}}.

            Act as a very proficient SEO and high end copywriter.

            I want you to combine three texts into one, covering all important

            - Focus on creating in-depth, informative paragraphs. Ensure that
            the content is factually accurate and verifiable.

            - Keep as much useful information as you can.

            - Avoid filler phrases and notes.

            - Do not repeat any instructions or my task.

            - Respond only with the combined text, without including any notes.

            [TEXTS TO COMBINE]:

            1. {{cleantext.0}}

            2. {{cleantext.1}}

            3. {{cleantext.2}}

          param: context
          label: CREATE CONTEXT
          silent: true
        - message: |-
            ☑️ Basic context generated

          type: say
        - type: gpt
          prompt: >-
            I want you to respond only in {{language}} and output a single list.

            Pretend to be a SEO keyword research expert.

            Read the [SERP] and [CONTEXT] that I will provide you and find top
            20 LSI keywords in SERP and your internal knowledge, each containing
            at least 2 words:

            - Please identify and list LSI Keywords that are specifically
            associated with [MY QUERY].

            - When extracting these keywords, focus on finding terms that are
            not just relevant in a broad sense but are specifically combined or
            contextually linked with [MY QUERY] that I will provide you later.

            - Response with only these LSI keywords, separated by commas. 

            - Do not add any notes, write only comma separated keywords.

            - Do not echo my prompt.

            [MY QUERY]: {{query}}


            - {{links.0.title}}: {{links.0.description}}

            - {{links.1.title}}: {{links.1.description}}

            - {{links.2.title}}: {{links.2.description}}

            - {{links.3.title}}: {{links.3.description}}

            - {{links.4.title}}: {{links.4.description}}

            - {{links.5.title}}: {{links.5.description}}

            - {{links.6.title}}: {{links.6.description}}

            - {{links.7.title}}: {{links.7.description}}



            [ONLY KEYWORDS]:
          param: keywords
          label: FIND KEYWORDS
          silent: true
        - message: |-
            ☑️ Basic LSI Keywords extracted from SERP

          type: say
        - message: ⏳ Generating 2 clarifying SERP queries...
          type: say
        - prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions.

            The output should be in {{language}}.

            You are a Research Agent. I need you to break down my search query
            into two clarifying queries, the answers to which are necessary to
            form a detailed response to the original search query.

            Follow the instructions:

            - Clarifying queries should include key words from the original
            query to enhance readability and precision.

            - Do not number the clarifying queries.

            - The new clarifying queries should be brief, less than 6 words

            - Your response should consist of two lines - one question per line.

            - Write nothing other than the clarifying questions.

            - Do not repeat my command and instructions.

            - Do not put your сlarifying queries in quotes.

            My search query: {{query}}

            2 brief clarifying queries:
          label: FORM MINI QUERIES
          param: queries
          type: gpt
          silent: true
        - func: split
          to: queries-list
          delimiter: |+

          type: calc
          param: queries
        - func: list-filter
          match: empty
          matched: remove
          type: calc
          list: queries-list
        - message: |-
            ☑️ Clarifying queries generated

          type: say
        - message: ⏳ Researching extra information...
          type: say
        - steps:
            - value: '{{serp {{queries-list.0}}}}'
              type: calc
              func: set
              param: information
              format: ''
            - to: research1
              type: calc
              func: serp.extract-links
              from: information
          label: 1ST RESEARCH
          type: group
        - steps:
            - value: '{{serp {{queries-list.1}}}}'
              type: calc
              func: set
              param: information
              format: ''
            - to: research2
              type: calc
              func: serp.extract-links
              from: information
          label: 2ND RESEARCH
          type: group
        - message: |-
            ✅ Extra URLs added to research:

            - [{{research1.0.title}}]({{research1.0.url}})  
            - [{{research1.1.title}}]({{research1.1.url}}) 
            - [{{research1.2.title}}]({{research1.2.url}}) 
            - [{{research1.3.title}}]({{research1.3.url}}) 
            - [{{research2.0.title}}]({{research2.0.url}})  
            - [{{research2.1.title}}]({{research2.1.url}})  
            - [{{research2.2.title}}]({{research2.2url}})  
            - [{{research2.3.title}}]({{research2.3.url}}) 
          type: say
        - message: ⏳ Updating context, wait a bit...
          type: say
        - param: newcontext
          value: >
            {{research1.0.title}}: {{page {{query}} {{research1.0.url}}

            {{research1.1.title}}: {{page {{query}} {{research1.1.url}}

            {{research1.2.title}}: {{page {{query}} {{research1.2.url}}

            {{research2.0.title}}: {{page {{query}} {{research2.0.url}}

            {{research2.1.title}}: {{page {{query}} {{research2.2.url}}

            {{research2.2.title}}: {{page {{query}} {{research2.2.url}}
          label: COMBINE NEW INFO
          type: calc
          func: set
          format: ''
        - code: |
            function cleanText(text) {
                const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                // DELETE H1-H4
                let cleanedText = text.replace(headersRegex, '');

                // DELETE SHORT LINES
                cleanedText = cleanedText.split('\n').filter(line => line.length >= 25).join('\n');

                // DELETE \n
                return cleanedText.replace(/\n/g, ' ');

            return cleanText(args.newcontext);
          type: js
          args: newcontext
          param: newcontext
          silent: true
        - prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions. 

            The output should be in {{language}}.

            Act as a very proficient SEO and high end copywriter.

            I want you to combine [OLD INFORMATION] with [NEW INFORMATION],
            covering all important details.

            - Do not delete any data from [OLD INFORMATION]; instead, complement
            it with [NEW INFORMATION].

            - Focus on creating in-depth, informative paragraphs. Ensure that
            the content is factually accurate and verifiable.

            - Keep as much useful information as you can.

            - Avoid filler phrases and notes.

            - Do not repeat any instructions or my task.

            - Respond only with the combined text, without including any notes.

            [OLD INFORMATION]:


            [NEW INFORMATION]:


          label: CONTEXT UPDATE
          type: gpt
          param: context
          silent: true
        - message: |-
            ✅ Context updated

          type: say
        - message: ⏳ Updating keywords list, wait a bit...
          type: say
        - prompt: >-
            I want you to respond only in {{language}} and output a single list.

            Pretend you are an SEO keyword research expert.

            I want you to add new LSI keywords to the [KEYWORDS LIST].

            - Read the [KEYWORDS LIST] and new [SERP INFORMATION] that I will
            provide to add some new LSI keywords to the list.

            - Do not delete any keywords from [KEYWORDS LIST]..

            - Please identify and add only new LSI Keywords that are
            specifically associated with [MY QUERY].

            - When extracting these keywords from the [SERP INFORMATION], focus
            on finding terms that are not just relevant in a broad sense but are
            specifically combined or contextually linked with [MY QUERY] that I
            will provide you later.

            - Response with only the [KEYWORDS LIST] with LSI keywords added in
            the end and separated by commas. 

            - Do not add any notes.

            - Do not echo my prompt.

            [MY QUERY]: {{query}}

            [OLD KEYWORDS LIST]: {{keywords}}

            [SERP INFORMATION]:

            - {{research1.0.title}}: {{research1.0.description}}

            - {{research1.1.title}}: {{research1.1.description}}

            - {{research1.2.title}}: {{research1.2.description}}

            - {{research1.3.title}}: {{research1.3.description}}

            - {{research2.0.title}}: {{research2.0.description}}

            - {{research2.1.title}}:{{research2.1.description}}

            - {{research2.2.title}}: {{research2.2.description}}

            - {{research2.3.title}}: {{research2.3.description}}

            [KEYWORDS LIST with new LSI keywords in the end]:
          label: FIND NEW KEYWORDS
          type: gpt
          param: keywords
          silent: true
        - message: |-
            ✅ LSI KW list updated

          type: say
      condition: '{{keywords-option}} = advanced'
      label: ADVANCED
      type: group
    - steps:
        - message: ⏳ Preparing outline, wait a bit...
          type: say
        - prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions. 

            The output should be in {{language}}.

            I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high end copywriter
            and a blog post brief outline and a H1 blog title. 

            - I will provide you with the top SERP [OUTLINES] and [KEYWORDS]
            from the SERP. 

            - Use [CONTEXT], [KEYWORDS] and [OUTLINES] as your outline basis.

            - Use concise, keyword-rich headings and subheadings.

            - Start with the H1 blog title, and do not use h1 anywhere else. 

            - I need an outline in my format, without section contents.

            - Do not use more than 4 sections, introduction and conclusion
            sections  included.

            - Avoid naming the First section simply as 'Introduction', and do
            not title the Last section merely as 'Conclusion'. 

            - Do not use words 'Introduction' and 'Conclusion' in your outline.

            - There shoud be no subsections or bullet points in the introduction
            and conclusion sections.

            - Display the response in markdown rendered format.

            - Do not use generic filler phrases or bullet points.

            - Use useful subsections in the 2nd and 3rd Sections with
            keyword-rich titles. 

            -  Do not repeat the same content over again.

            [OUTPUT STRUCTURE]:

            # Blog title

            ## First section title. (No subsections needed) 

            ## Section title.

            ### [Subsection title]

            ### [Subsection title]
              ... [Do not use more than 3 subsections ]

            ## Section title.

            ### [Subsection title]

            ### [Subsection title]
              ... [Do not use more than 3 subsections ]

            ## Last section title. (No subsections needed). 


            - {{headings.0}}

            - {{headings.1}}

            - {{headings.2}}





            [BRIEF BLOG OUTLINE]:
          param: outline
          label: CREATE OUTLINE
          type: gpt
          silent: true
        - steps:
            - code: |
                function cleanMarkdownText(text) {
                    const lines = text.split('\n');
                    const cleanedLines = [];
                    let skip = false;

                    for (let line of lines) {
                        // Check if the line starts with H1-H4, "-", or any digit
                        if (line.match(/^#{1,4} /) || line.startsWith('-') || line.match(/^[0-9]/)) {
                            skip = false;
                        } else {
                            // If not, set skip to true and skip this line
                            skip = true;
                        // If not skipping, add the line to cleanedLines
                        if (!skip) cleanedLines.push(line);

                    return cleanedLines.join('\n');

                return cleanMarkdownText(args.outline);
              label: DELETE TEXT LINES
              type: js
              args: outline
              param: outline
              silent: true
            - func: replace
              regex: /\n(?m)^\#\s(?!.*^\#\s)/gm
              template: |-

              label: 'CHECK: DOUBLE H1'
              type: calc
              to: outline
              param: outline
            - regex: '/(Conclusion: |Introduction: )/gm'
              label: 'CONCL: OR INTROD:'
              type: calc
              func: replace
              to: outline
              param: outline
              template: ''
            - regex: /(##|#) Conclusion/gm
              template: '## Final Thoughts'
              label: '"#|## CONCLUSION: "'
              type: calc
              func: replace
              to: outline
              param: outline
            - regex: /^- /gm
              template: '### '
              label: DROP BULLET POINTS
              type: calc
              func: replace
              to: outline
              param: outline
            - code: |
                function checkText(args) {
                    // Regular expression to find h2 headers
                    const h2HeaderRegex = /^##\s+([^\#]+)$/gm;

                    // Find all h2 headers
                    const h2Headers = [...args.outline.matchAll(h2HeaderRegex)];

                    // Check for the absence of 'Conclusion' or 'Introduction' in the h2 header lines
                    const noKeywordsInH2Headers = h2Headers.every(([_, title]) => {
                        return !/Conclusion|Introduction/.test(title);

                    // Check the total number of h2 headers
                    const totalH2Count = h2Headers.length;
                    const hasLessThanFiveH2 = totalH2Count < 6;

                    // Return True if conditions are met
                    return noKeywordsInH2Headers && hasLessThanFiveH2;

                return checkText(args);
              param: outline-check
              label: CHECK OUTLINE
              type: js
              args: outline
              silent: true
            - steps:
                - message: ⏳️ Improving outline, wait a bit...
                  type: say
                - prompt: >-
                    I want you to act as a highly proficient SEO expert and
                    top-tier copywriter, and rewrite a blog outline along with
                    an H1 blog title, adhering to the following rules:

                    - Rewrite only those parts of the Outline that do not comply
                    with the rules, but do not alter the rest of the text.

                    - I need an outline in my format, without section contents.

                    - The response should start with the H1 blog title.

                    - The outline should contain no more than 4 sections,
                    including introduction and conclusion sections.

                    - Avoid simply naming the Introduction section as
                    'Introduction', and do not title the Conclusion section as

                    - There should be no words 'Introduction' and 'Conclusion'
                    in the outline.

                    - The outline should be formatted using markdown features.


                    - Rewrite only the parts, that are not 

                    - Do not rewrite the parts of the outline that already
                    follow the rules.

                    - Display the response in a markdown-rendered format.

                    - Do not use generic filler phrases and bullet points.

                    - Refrain from repeating the same content.

                    - Only output the H1 title and the Outline."

                    [FOLLOW THE OUTPUT FORMAT]:

                    # Blog title

                    ## Introduction section title. (No subsections needed) 

                    ## Section title.

                    ### [Subsection title]

                    ### [Subsection title]
                      ... [Do not use more than 3 subsections ]

                    ## Section title.

                    ### [Subsection title]

                    ### [Subsection title]
                      ... [Do not use more than 3 subsections ]

                    ## Conclusion section title. (No subsections needed). 



                    [OLD OUTLINE]


                    [BLOG OUTLINE]:
                  label: RE-DO OUTLINE
                  type: gpt
                  param: outline
                  silent: true
                - type: jump
                  to: CHECK OUTLINE
              condition: '{{outline-check}} = false'
              label: REWRITE OUTLINE
              type: group
          label: OUTLINE CHECK
          type: group
        - message: |-
            ✅ Outline generated

          type: say
      label: FINAL OUTLINE
      type: group
      type: jump
  type: group
- steps:
    - steps:
        - steps:
            - message: 💬 Please provide a URL.
              type: ask
              param: webpage
              options: null
              default: ''
            - steps:
                - message: ⏳ Trying to fetch {{webpage}}.
                  type: say
                - value: '{{page {{webpage}}}}'
                  type: calc
                  func: set
                  param: pagetext
                  format: ''
                - code: |-
                    function removeReferencesSection(args) {
                        // Regular expression that matches the References section
                        const regex = /^References[\s\S]{0,250}\^[\s\S]*/m;

                        // Replace the found text with an empty string
                        args.pagetext = args.pagetext.replace(regex, '');

                        // Return the updated text
                        return args.pagetext;
                    return removeReferencesSection(args)
                  label: WIKI PAGE CLEAN
                  type: js
                  args: pagetext
                  param: pagetext
                  silent: true
                - code: |-
                    function cleanText(text) {
                        const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;

                        // First step: Split the text into lines
                        let lines = text.split('\n');

                        // Second step: Filter lines, excluding short ones that are not headers
                        lines = lines.filter(line => line.length >= 25 || headersRegex.test(line));

                        // Third step: Join the lines back into text, replacing \n with spaces
                        return lines.join(' ').replace(/\n/g, ' ');

                    return cleanText(args.pagetext);
                  type: js
                  args: pagetext
                  param: pagetext
                  label: CONTEXT EXTRACTION
                  silent: true
                - to: NAVIGATE EXTRACT
                  condition: '{{pagetext}} =~ (?:^|[\r\n])[\s\S]{1,50}(?![\s\S])'
                  type: jump
              type: group
              label: TRY TO FETCH
            - steps:
                - message: 😢 Impossible to fetch, navigating to the page...
                  type: say
                - param: currentpage
                  type: calc
                  func: set
                  format: ''
                  value: '{{url}}'
                - url: '{{webpage}}'
                  type: navigate
                  waitForIdle: false
                  silent: true
                - type: calc
                  func: set
                  param: pagetext
                  format: ''
                  value: '{{page}}'
                - type: js
                  code: |-
                    function removeReferencesSection(args) {
                        // Regular expression that matches the References section
                        const regex = /^References[\s\S]{0,250}\^[\s\S]*/m;

                        // Replace the found text with an empty string
                        args.pagetext = args.pagetext.replace(regex, '');

                        // Return the updated text
                        return args.pagetext;
                    return removeReferencesSection(args)
                  args: pagetext
                  param: pagetext
                  label: WIKI PAGE CLEAN
                  silent: true
                - type: js
                  code: |-
                    function cleanText(text) {
                        const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;

                        // First step: Split the text into lines
                        let lines = text.split('\n');

                        // Second step: Filter lines, excluding short ones that are not headers
                        lines = lines.filter(line => line.length >= 25 || headersRegex.test(line));

                        // Third step: Join the lines back into text, replacing \n with spaces
                        return lines.join(' ').replace(/\n/g, ' ');

                    return cleanText(args.pagetext);
                  args: pagetext
                  param: pagetext
                  label: CONTEXT EXTRACTION
                  silent: true
                - message: |-
                    ⛔️ Sorry, the {{domain}} can't be automated. 
                    Visit the page and select 'USE THIS PAGE' option.
                  label: FAIL MESSAGE
                  type: say
                  condition: '{{pagetext}} =~ (?:^|[\r\n])[\s\S]{1,50}(?![\s\S])'
                - type: stop
                  label: FAIL STOP
                  condition: '{{pagetext}} =~ (?:^|[\r\n])[\s\S]{1,50}(?![\s\S])'
                - url: '{{currentpage}}'
                  type: navigate
                  waitForIdle: false
                  silent: true
              type: group
              label: NAVIGATE EXTRACT
            - to: BASIC PAGE CONTEXT
              type: jump
          type: group
          label: START URL
        - steps:
            - message: 💬 Paste text or hit Enter to use the webpage.
              type: ask
              param: context
              options: null
              default: '{{page}}'
            - to: PAGE CALC
              condition: '{{context}} = {{page}}'
              type: jump
            - type: jump
              to: FORM QUERY MESSAGE
          type: group
          label: START TEXT
        - steps:
            - value: '{{transcript}}'
              type: calc
              func: set
              param: pagetext
              format: ''
            - steps:
                - message: >-
                    🚫 It looks as if the video has no text transcript, or I
                    could not fetch it from the page.
                  type: say
                - type: stop
              condition: '{{transcript}} ='
              type: group
            - message: >-
                ⏳ Parsing video from the page… Long videos may take a few
                seconds to parse.
              type: say
            - to: BASIC CREATE CONTEXT
              type: jump
          type: group
          label: START VIDEO
        - steps:
            - type: calc
              func: set
              param: pagetext
              format: ''
              value: '{{page}}'
              label: PAGE CALC
            - type: js
              code: |-
                function removeReferencesSection(args) {
                    // Regular expression that matches the References section
                    const regex = /^References[\s\S]{0,250}\^[\s\S]*/m;

                    // Replace the found text with an empty string
                    args.pagetext = args.pagetext.replace(regex, '');

                    // Return the updated text
                    return args.pagetext;
                return removeReferencesSection(args)
              args: pagetext
              param: pagetext
              label: WIKI PAGE CLEAN
              silent: true
            - type: js
              code: |-
                function cleanText(text) {
                    const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;

                    // First step: Split the text into lines
                    let lines = text.split('\n');

                    // Second step: Filter lines, excluding short ones that are not headers
                    lines = lines.filter(line => line.length >= 25 || headersRegex.test(line));

                    // Third step: Join the lines back into text, replacing \n with spaces
                    return lines.join(' ').replace(/\n/g, ' ');

                return cleanText(args.pagetext);
              args: pagetext
              param: pagetext
              label: CONTEXT EXTRACTION
              silent: true
            - type: jump
              to: BASIC PAGE CONTEXT
          type: group
          label: START PAGE
        - type: say
          message: ⏳ Preparing basic context, wait a bit...
          label: BASIC PAGE CONTEXT
        - prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions. 

            The output should be in {{language}}.

            Act as a very proficient SEO and high end copywriter.

            I want you read my [TEXT] and summarize it , covering all important

            - Focus on creating in-depth, informative paragraphs. 

            - Ensure that the content is factually accurate and verifiable.

            - Keep as much useful information as you can.

            - Avoid filler phrases and notes.

            - Do not repeat any instructions or my task.

            - Respond only with the informative summary text, without including
            any notes.



            text: '{{pagetext}}'
            empty: ''
          type: gpt
          param: context
          label: BASIC CREATE CONTEXT
          silent: true
        - message: |-
            ☑️ Basic context generated:

          type: say
        - message: ⏳ Generating research query...
          type: say
          label: FORM QUERY MESSAGE
        - prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions.

            The output should be in {{language}}.

            Act as a text analysis expert.

            Identify the key topic of the provided [TEXT].

            - Extract the essence of the text and summarize it in a concise,
            four-word sentence. 

            - This four-word sentence should capture the core idea or theme of
            the text clearly and accurately.

            - Your response should consist of one line.

            - Write nothing other than the four-word sentence.

            - Do not repeat my command and instructions.

            - Do not put your answer in quotes.

            [TEXT]: {{context}}

            Text key topic in few words:
          label: FORM QUERY
          type: gpt
          param: query
          silent: true
        - message: |-
            ☑️ Research query generated:

          type: say
        - type: calc
          func: set
          param: information
          format: ''
          value: '{{serp {{query}}}}'
        - type: calc
          func: serp.extract-links
          from: information
          to: links
        - message: |-
            ☑️ SERP extracted:

            - [{{links.0.title}}]({{links.0.url}}): {{links.0.description}}
            - [{{links.1.title}}]({{links.1.url}}): {{links.1.description}} 
            - [{{links.2.title}}]({{links.2.url}}): {{links.2.description}} 
            - [{{links.3.title}}]({{links.3.url}}): {{links.3.description}} 
            - [{{links.4.title}}]({{links.4.url}}): {{links.4.description}} 
            - [{{links.5.title}}]({{links.5.url}}): {{links.5.description}} 
            - [{{links.6.title}}]({{links.6.url}}): {{links.6.description}} 
            - [{{links.7.title}}]({{links.7.url}}): {{links.7.description}} 
          type: say
        - type: say
          message: ⏳ Updating context, wait a bit...
        - value: |
            - {{links.0.title}}: {{page {{query}} {{links.0.url}} limit=5%}}

            - {{links.1.title}}: {{page {{query}} {{links.1.url}} limit=5%}}

            - {{links.2.title}}: {{page {{query}} {{links.2.url}} limit=5%}}

            - {{links.3.title}}: {{page {{query}} {{links.3.url}} limit=5%}}
          type: calc
          func: set
          param: newcontext
          format: ''
          label: COMBINE NEW INFO
        - type: js
          code: |
            function cleanText(text) {
                const headersRegex = /^(\#{1,4}\s.*?)(?=\n|$)/gm;
                // DELETE H1-H4
                let cleanedText = text.replace(headersRegex, '');

                // DELETE SHORT LINES
                cleanedText = cleanedText.split('\n').filter(line => line.length >= 25).join('\n');

                // DELETE \n
                return cleanedText.replace(/\n/g, ' ');

            return cleanText(args.newcontext);
          args: newcontext
          param: newcontext
          silent: true
        - prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions. 

            The output should be in {{language}}.

            Act as a very proficient SEO and high end copywriter.

            I want you to combine [OLD INFORMATION] with [NEW INFORMATION],
            covering all important details.

            - Do not delete any data from [OLD INFORMATION]; instead, complement
            it with [NEW INFORMATION] related to [MY QUERY].

            - Focus on creating in-depth, informative paragraphs. Ensure that
            the content is factually accurate and verifiable.

            - Keep as much useful information as you can.

            - Avoid filler phrases and notes.

            - Do not repeat any instructions or my task.

            - Respond only with the combined text, without including any notes.

            [MY QUERY]: {{query}}

            [OLD INFORMATION]:


            [NEW INFORMATION]:


          type: gpt
          param: context
          label: CONTEXT UPDATE
          silent: true
        - prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions. 

            The output should be in {{language}}.

            Act as a very proficient SEO and high end copywriter.

            I want you to integrate all of the URLs into relevant locations in
            [TEXT]using Markdown formatting: [title](url).

            - [{{links.0.title}}]({{links.0.url}}): {{links.0.description}}

            - [{{links.1.title}}]({{links.1.url}}): {{links.1.description}}

            - [{{links.2.title}}]({{links.2.url}}): {{links.2.description}}

            - [{{links.3.title}}]({{links.3.url}}): {{links.3.description}}

            - [{{links.4.title}}]({{links.4.url}}): {{links.4.description}}

            - [{{links.5.title}}]({{links.5.url}}): {{links.5.description}}

            - [{{links.6.title}}]({{links.6.url}}): {{links.6.description}}

            - [{{links.7.title}}]({{links.7.url}}): {{links.7.description}}


            - Do not modify the [TEXT].

            - Each URL should be integrated only once.

            - Modify the [titles] for better integration.

            - Spread the URLs throughout the text. 

            - Avoid putting too many markdown links in one section.



          label: 'NOT USED: URLS TO CONTEXT'
          condition: '{{NOT}} = USED'
          type: gpt
          param: context
          silent: true
        - message: |-
            ✅ Context updated:

          type: say
        - message: ⏳ Generating LSI keywords list, wait a bit...
          type: say
        - type: gpt
          prompt: >-
            I want you to respond only in {{language}} and output a single list.

            Pretend to be a SEO keyword research expert.

            Read the [SERP] and [CONTEXT] that I will provide you and find top
            20 LSI keywords in SERP and your internal knowledge, each containing
            at least 2 words:

            - Please identify and list LSI Keywords that are specifically
            associated with [MY QUERY].

            - When extracting these keywords, focus on finding terms that are
            not just relevant in a broad sense but are specifically combined or
            contextually linked with [MY QUERY] that I will provide you later.

            - Response with only these LSI keywords, separated by commas. 

            - Do not add any notes, write only comma separated keywords.

            - Do not echo my prompt.

            [MY QUERY]: {{query}}


            - {{links.0.title}}: {{links.0.description}}

            - {{links.1.title}}: {{links.1.description}}

            - {{links.2.title}}: {{links.2.description}}

            - {{links.3.title}}: {{links.3.description}}

            - {{links.4.title}}: {{links.4.description}}

            - {{links.5.title}}: {{links.5.description}}

            - {{links.6.title}}: {{links.6.description}}

            - {{links.7.title}}: {{links.7.description}}



            [ONLY KEYWORDS]:
          param: keywords
          label: FIND KEYWORDS
          silent: true
        - message: |-
            ✅ LSI KW list generated:

          type: say
        - type: say
          message: ⏳ Preparing outline, wait a bit...
        - prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions. 

            The output should be in {{language}}.

            I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high end copywriter
            and a blog post brief outline and a H1 blog title. 

            - I will provide you with the [CONTEXT] and [KEYWORDS] from the
            SERP. Use it as your outline basis.

            - Use concise, keyword-rich headings and subheadings.

            - Start with the H1 blog title, and do not use h1 anywhere else. 

            - I need an outline in my format, without section contents.

            - Do not use more than 4 sections, introduction and conclusion
            sections  included.

            - Avoid naming the Introduction section simply as 'Introduction',
            and do not title the Conclusion section merely as 'Conclusion'. 

            - Do not use words 'Introduction' and 'Conclusion' in your outline.

            - There shoud be no subsections or bullet points in the introduction
            and conclusion sections.

            - Display the response in markdown rendered format.

            - Do not use generic filler phrases or bullet points.

            - Use useful subsections in the 2nd and 3rd Sections with
            keyword-rich titles. 

            -  Do not repeat the same content over again.

            [OUTPUT STRUCTURE]:

            # Blog title

            ## Introduction section title. (No subsections needed) 

            ## Section title.

            ### [Subsection title]

            ### [Subsection title]
              ... [Do not use more than 3 subsections ]

            ## Section title.

            ### [Subsection title]

            ### [Subsection title]
              ... [Do not use more than 3 subsections ]

            ## Conclusion section title. (No subsections needed). 





            [BRIEF BLOG OUTLINE]:
          type: gpt
          param: outline
          label: CREATE OUTLINE
          silent: true
        - steps:
            - type: js
              code: |
                function cleanMarkdownText(text) {
                    const lines = text.split('\n');
                    const cleanedLines = [];
                    let skip = false;

                    for (let line of lines) {
                        // Check if the line starts with H1-H4, "-", or any digit
                        if (line.match(/^#{1,4} /) || line.startsWith('-') || line.match(/^[0-9]/)) {
                            skip = false;
                        } else {
                            // If not, set skip to true and skip this line
                            skip = true;
                        // If not skipping, add the line to cleanedLines
                        if (!skip) cleanedLines.push(line);

                    return cleanedLines.join('\n');

                return cleanMarkdownText(args.outline);
              args: outline
              param: outline
              label: DELETE TEXT LINES
              silent: true
            - type: calc
              func: replace
              to: outline
              param: outline
              regex: /\n(?m)^\#\s(?!.*^\#\s)/gm
              template: |-

              label: 'CHECK: DOUBLE H1'
            - type: calc
              func: replace
              to: outline
              param: outline
              regex: '/(Conclusion: |Introduction: )/gm'
              template: ''
              label: 'CONCL: OR INTROD:'
            - type: calc
              func: replace
              to: outline
              param: outline
              regex: /(##|#) Conclusion/gm
              template: '## Final Thoughts'
              label: '"#|## CONCLUSION: "'
            - template: '###'
              type: calc
              func: replace
              to: outline
              param: outline
              regex: /^- /gm
              label: DROP BULLET POINTS
            - type: js
              code: |
                function checkText(args) {
                    // Regular expression to find h2 headers
                    const h2HeaderRegex = /^##\s+([^\#]+)$/gm;

                    // Find all h2 headers
                    const h2Headers = [...args.outline.matchAll(h2HeaderRegex)];

                    // Check for the absence of 'Conclusion' or 'Introduction' in the h2 header lines
                    const noKeywordsInH2Headers = h2Headers.every(([_, title]) => {
                        return !/Conclusion|Introduction/.test(title);

                    // Check the total number of h2 headers
                    const totalH2Count = h2Headers.length;
                    const hasLessThanFiveH2 = totalH2Count < 6;

                    // Return True if conditions are met
                    return noKeywordsInH2Headers && hasLessThanFiveH2;

                return checkText(args);
              args: outline
              param: outline-check
              label: CHECK OUTLINE
              silent: true
            - steps:
                - type: say
                  message: ⏳️ Improving outline, wait a bit...
                - type: gpt
                  prompt: >-
                    I want you to act as a highly proficient SEO expert and
                    top-tier copywriter, and rewrite a blog outline along with
                    an H1 blog title, adhering to the following rules:

                    - Rewrite only those parts of the Outline that do not comply
                    with the rules, but do not alter the rest of the text.

                    - I need an outline in my format, without section contents.

                    - The response should start with the H1 blog title.

                    - The outline should contain no more than 4 sections,
                    including introduction and conclusion sections.

                    - Avoid simply naming the Introduction section as
                    'Introduction', and do not title the Conclusion section as

                    - There should be no words 'Introduction' and 'Conclusion'
                    in the outline.

                    - The outline should be formatted using markdown features.


                    - Rewrite only the parts, that are not 

                    - Do not rewrite the parts of the outline that already
                    follow the rules.

                    - Display the response in a markdown-rendered format.

                    - Do not use generic filler phrases and bullet points.

                    - Refrain from repeating the same content.

                    - Only output the H1 title and the Outline."

                    [FOLLOW THE OUTPUT FORMAT]:

                    # Blog title

                    ## Introduction section title. (No subsections needed) 

                    ## Section title.

                    ### [Subsection title]

                    ### [Subsection title]
                      ... [Do not use more than 3 subsections ]

                    ## Section title.

                    ### [Subsection title]

                    ### [Subsection title]
                      ... [Do not use more than 3 subsections ]

                    ## Conclusion section title. (No subsections needed). 



                    [OLD OUTLINE]


                    [BLOG OUTLINE]:
                  label: RE-DO OUTLINE
                  param: outline
                  silent: true
                - type: jump
                  to: CHECK OUTLINE
              type: group
              condition: '{{outline-check}} = false'
              label: REWRITE OUTLINE
          type: group
          label: OUTLINE CHECK
        - type: say
          message: |-
            ✅ Outline generated

      label: COMBO SCENARIO
      type: group
    - type: jump
  type: group
- param: blog-option
    - label: 📝 BLOG POST
      value: blogpost
    - label: 📚 LONG-READ
      value: longread
    - label: 🧩 EDIT INPUTS
      value: editinputs
  type: ask
  message: ''
  default: ''
  optionsInvalid: false
- steps:
    - message: ⏳ Generating blog post...
      type: say
    - prompt: >-
        Please ignore all previous instructions and respond only in

        As a skilled SEO expert and high-end copywriter, I need you to create a
        comprehensive, detail-rich 1000 words blog post, based on my [OUTLINE]
        and [INFORMATION], adhering to Google's E-A-T guidelines, with the goal
        of ranking high on Google.

        - Utilize both your inherent knowledge and any additional information I

        - Do not rephrase the [OUTLINE].

        - Use an H1 tag from [OUTLINE] for the blogs's title, H2s for main
        sections, and H3s for sub-sections.

        - Save all the integrated markdown-formatted links from [INFORMATION] to
        your blog post and add the [additional URLs], place them into random

        - Focus on creating in-depth, informative paragraphs

        - Use the [KEYWORDS]: {{keywords}}

        - The blog post should be in fully rendered Markdown format.

        - Refrain from using general phrases like 'END OF BLOG POST' or similar.

        - Do not echo my prompt.

        Integrate some of the [additional URLs] into relevant locations using
        Markdown formatting: [title](url):

        - [{{links.0.title}}]({{links.0.url}})

        - [{{links.1.title}}]({{links.1.url}})

        - [{{links.2.title}}]({{links.2.url}})

        - [{{links.3.title}}]({{links.3.url}})

        - [{{links.4.title}}]({{links.5.url}})



        [INFORMATION]: {{context}}

        1000 words blog post:
      param: result
      type: gpt
      silent: true
    - prompt: >-
        Please ignore all previous instructions. 

        The output should be in {{language}}.

        Act as a very proficient SEO and high end copywriter.

        I want you to integrate all of the URLs into relevant locations in
        [TEXT] using Markdown formatting: [title](url).

        - [{{links.0.title}}]({{links.0.url}})

        - [{{links.1.title}}]({{links.1.url}})

        - [{{links.2.title}}]({{links.2.url}})

        - [{{links.3.title}}]({{links.3.url}})

        - [{{links.4.title}}]({{links.4.url}})

        - [{{links.5.title}}]({{links.5.url}})

        - [{{links.6.title}}]({{links.6.url}})

        - [{{links.7.title}}]({{links.7.url}})


        - Do not modify the [TEXT].

        - Do not try to find the other links in your internal knowledge base.

        - Each URL should be integrated only once.

        - Modify the [titles] for better integration.

        - Spread the URLs throughout the text. 

        - Avoid putting too many markdown links in one section.



      label: URLS BLOG POST
      type: gpt
      param: result
      silent: true
    - message: '{{result}}'
      type: say
  label: BLOG POST
  condition: '{{blog-option}} = blogpost'
  type: group
- steps:
    - code: |
        function extractH1Heading(args) {
            // Extracting H1 header in HTML
            const parser = new DOMParser();
            const doc = parser.parseFromString(args.outline, 'text/html');
            const htmlH1Element = doc.querySelector('h1');

            let result = '';

            // If an H1 is found in HTML, use it
            if (htmlH1Element) {
                result = "# " + htmlH1Element.textContent.trim();
            } else {
                // Extracting H1 header in Markdown
                const markdownH1Match = args.outline.match(/(^|\n)# (.*?)(\n|$)/);
                if (markdownH1Match) {
                    result = "# " + markdownH1Match[2].trim();

            return result;

        // Returning the result at the end of the function
        return extractH1Heading(args);
      param: blog-title
      label: H1
      type: js
      args: outline
      silent: true
    - code: |
        function extractH2Sections(args) {
            // Function to check if a line is an H2 heading in Markdown
            function isMarkdownH2(line) {
                return /^## [^\n]+/.test(line);

            // Function to check if a line is not an H1 heading in Markdown
            function isNotMarkdownH1(line) {
                return !/^# [^\n]+/.test(line);

            // Extract content from Markdown
            function extractMarkdown() {
                const lines = args.outline.split('\n');
                let content = '';
                let h2Count = 0;

                for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
                    if (isMarkdownH2(lines[i])) {
                        if (h2Count <= 2) {
                            content += lines[i] + '\n';
                    } else if (h2Count <= 2 && isNotMarkdownH1(lines[i])) {
                        content += lines[i] + '\n';

                return content.trim();

            // Extract content from HTML
            function extractHTML() {
                const parser = new DOMParser();
                const doc = parser.parseFromString(args.outline, 'text/html');
                const elements = Array.from(doc.body.childNodes);
                let content = '';
                let h2Count = 0;

                elements.forEach(element => {
                    if (element.tagName === 'H2') {
                        if (h2Count <= 2) {
                            content += element.outerHTML;
                    } else if (h2Count <= 2 && element.tagName !== 'H1') {
                        content += element.outerHTML;

                return content;

            // Check if the input is HTML or Markdown
            if (args.outline.includes('<html>')) {
                return extractHTML();
            } else {
                return extractMarkdown();

        // Returning the result at the end of the function
        return extractH2Sections(args);
      param: outline1
      label: OUTLINE PART 1
      type: js
      args: outline
      silent: true
    - code: |
        function extractFromThirdH2(args) {
            // Function to check if a line is an H2 heading in Markdown
            function isMarkdownH2(line) {
                return /^## [^\n]+/.test(line);

            // Function to check if a line is not an H1 heading in Markdown
            function isNotMarkdownH1(line) {
                return !/^# [^\n]+/.test(line);

            // Extract content from Markdown
            function extractMarkdown() {
                const lines = args.outline.split('\n');
                let content = '';
                let h2Count = 0;

                for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
                    if (isMarkdownH2(lines[i])) {
                        if (h2Count >= 3) {
                            content += lines[i] + '\n';
                    } else if (h2Count >= 3 && isNotMarkdownH1(lines[i])) {
                        content += lines[i] + '\n';

                return content.trim();

            // Extract content from HTML
            function extractHTML() {
                const parser = new DOMParser();
                const doc = parser.parseFromString(args.outline, 'text/html');
                const elements = Array.from(doc.body.childNodes);
                let content = '';
                let h2Count = 0;

                elements.forEach(element => {
                    if (element.tagName === 'H2') {
                        if (h2Count >= 3) {
                            content += element.outerHTML;
                    } else if (h2Count >= 3 && element.tagName !== 'H1') {
                        content += element.outerHTML;

                return content;

            // Check if the input is HTML or Markdown
            if (args.outline.includes('<html>')) {
                return extractHTML();
            } else {
                return extractMarkdown();

        // Returning the result at the end of the function
        return extractFromThirdH2(args);
      param: outline2
      label: OUTLINE PART 2
      type: js
      args: outline
      silent: true
    - message: ⏳ Generating part 1/2...
      type: say
    - prompt: >-
        Please ignore all previous instructions.

        Respond only in {{language}}.

        Write a detailed fist segment of a blog post, about 1000 words, adhering
        to Google's E-A-T guidelines for high ranking on Google search., based
        on my [OUTLINE] and [INFORMATION].

        - Stick to the [OUTLINE] provided. Do not add extra segments.

        - Do not change the wording of the [OUTLINE].

        - Combine your knowledge with the [INFORMATION] given.

        - Write the post in Markdown, using H2 and H3 tags for headings and

        - Focus on creating in-depth, informative paragraphs. Ensure that the
        content is factually accurate and verifiable, enhancing the Expertise,
        Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness of the post.

        - Incorporate the provided [KEYWORDS] naturally into the content.

        - Ensure the content is unique and high-quality. Avoid using fillers or
        generic phrases.

        - Refrain from using general phrases like 'END OF BLOG POST' or similar.

        - Do not write the H1 title. Follow the [OUTLINE].

        - Ensure no repetition or echoing of the prompt.

        Integrate all of the URLs into relevant locations using Markdown
        formatting: [title](url).

        - [{{links.0.description}}]({{links.0.url}})

        - [{{links.1.description}}]({{links.1.url}})

        - [{{links.2.description}}]({{links.2.url}})

        - [{{links.3.description}}]({{links.3.url}})

        Do not place URLs in the titles.

        Each URL should be embedded only once.

        Modify the titles for better integration.

        Spread the URLs throughout the text. Avoid putting too many in one

        [KEYWORDS]: {{keywords}}



        [INFORMATION]: {{context}}

        [blog post part with integrated URLs]:
      param: part1
      label: PART 1
      type: gpt
      silent: true
      isolated: true
    - regex: /^---\n.*$/gm
      label: DELETE FOOTER 1
      type: calc
      func: replace
      to: part1
      param: part1
      template: ''
    - regex: /^Stay tuned.*/gm
      label: 'DEL: STAY TUNED'
      type: calc
      func: replace
      to: part1
      param: part1
      template: ''
    - regex: /\[[^\]]+\]\(#\S*\)
      label: DELETE PART 2 LINK
      type: calc
      func: replace
      to: part1
      param: part1
      template: ''
    - message: ⏳ Generating part 2/2...
      type: say
    - prompt: >-
        Please ignore all previous instructions and respond only in

        Write a detailed second and the last segment of a blog post, about 1000
        words, adhering to Google's E-A-T guidelines for high ranking on Google
        search., based on my [OUTLINE] and [INFORMATION].

        - Stick to the [OUTLINE] provided. Do not add extra segments.

        - Do not change the wording of the [OUTLINE].

        - Combine your knowledge with the [INFORMATION] given.

        - Write the post in Markdown, using H2 and H3 tags for headings and

        - Focus on creating in-depth, informative paragraphs. Ensure that the
        content is factually accurate and verifiable, enhancing the Expertise,
        Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness of the post.

        - Incorporate the provided [KEYWORDS] naturally into the content.

        - Ensure the content is unique and high-quality. Avoid using fillers or
        generic phrases.

        - Refrain from using general phrases like 'END OF BLOG POST' or similar.

        - Ensure no repetition or echoing of the prompt.

        Integrate all of the URLs into random relevant locations using Markdown
        formatting: [title](url).

        - [{{links.4.description}}]({{links.4.url}})

        - [{{links5.description}}]({{links.5.url}})

        - [{{links.6.description}}]({{links.6.url}})

        - [{{links.7.description}}]({{links.7.url}})

        Do not place URLs in the titles.

        Each URL should be embedded only once.

        Modify the titles for better integration.

        Spread the URLs throughout the text. Avoid putting too many in one

        [KEYWORDS]: {{keywords}}



        [INFORMATION]: {{context}}

        [blog post part with integrated URLs]:
      param: part2
      label: PART 2
      type: gpt
      silent: true
    - label: DELETE FOOTER 2
      type: calc
      func: replace
      to: part2
      param: part2
      regex: /^---\n.*$/gm
      template: ''
    - label: DELETE PART 1 LINK
      type: calc
      func: replace
      to: part2
      param: part2
      regex: /\[[^\]]+\]\(#\S*\)
      template: ''
    - steps:
        - message: 🎯 Almost done! Creating the meta description...
          type: say
        - prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions. Respond only in

            I want you to act as a proficient SEO and high end copy writer.

            I want you to summarize the [TEXT]  into a brief meta description,
            which must be under 160 characters long (~20 words maximum).

            - Please include only the meta description in your response, without
            any additional words, notes, or comments.

            - Do not write words "Meta description" in the beginning.

            - Do now write anything, but the meta description text itself. 

            - Do not put your response in quotation marks.



            [USE KEYWORDS]:


            Meta Description under 160 characters:
          param: meta
          type: gpt
          silent: true
          isolated: true
        - regex: '"'
          type: calc
          func: replace
          to: meta
          param: meta
          template: ''
        - regex: 'Meta description:'
          type: calc
          func: replace
          to: meta
          param: meta
          template: ''
        - regex: Meta description
          type: calc
          func: replace
          to: meta
          param: meta
          template: ''
      type: group
    - message: |-

        META DESCRIPTION: {{meta}}


      type: say
    - type: calc
      func: set
      param: result
      format: ''
      value: |-

        META DESCRIPTION: {{meta}}


  label: LONG-READ
  condition: '{{blog-option}} = longread'
  type: group
- steps:
    - message: |-
        ## 1️⃣ Outline:

        ## 2️⃣ LSI Keywords:

        ## 3️⃣ External Links:
        - [{{links.0.title}}]({{links.0.url}})
        - [{{links.1.title}}]({{links.1.url}})
        - [{{links.2.title}}]({{links.2.url}})
        - [{{links.3.title}}]({{links.3.url}})
        - [{{links.4.title}}]({{links.4.url}})
        - [{{links.5.title}}]({{links.5.url}})
        - [{{links.6.title}}]({{links.6.url}})
        - [{{links.7.title}}]({{links.7.url}})

        ## 4️⃣ Context:
      label: SAY INPUTS
      type: say
    - param: change-input
      message: >-
        🔼 Please look at the inputs above and let me know what you would like
        to change.
        - label: ✅ ALL GOOD
          value: ok
        - label: 1️⃣ OUTLINE
          value: outline
        - label: 2️⃣ KEYWORDS
          value: keywords
        - label: 3️⃣ EXTERNAL LINKS
          value: links
        - label: 4️⃣ CONTEXT
          value: context
      type: ask
      default: ''
      optionsInvalid: false
    - condition: '{{change-input}} = ok'
      type: jump
    - steps:
        - message: >-
            💬 Provide a new outline for me, following the format of the
            previous one:



          type: ask
          param: outline
          options: null
          default: ''
        - message: ✅ Outline saved!
          type: say
        - type: jump
          to: SAY INPUTS
      condition: '{{change-input}} = outline'
      type: group
      label: 1️⃣ OUTLINE
    - steps:
        - message: >-
            💬 Provide a new keywords for me, following the format of the



          type: ask
          param: keywords
          options: null
          default: ''
        - message: '✅ Keywords saved! '
          type: say
        - type: jump
          to: SAY INPUTS
      condition: '{{change-input}} = keywords'
      label: 2️⃣ LSI KEYWORDS
      type: group
    - steps:
        - message: 💬 I'll find the top SERP URLs myself; just write me your query.
          label: NEW URL SEARCH
          type: ask
          param: query
          options: null
          default: ''
        - type: calc
          func: set
          param: information
          format: ''
          value: '{{serp {{query}}}}'
        - type: calc
          func: serp.extract-links
          from: information
          to: links
        - message: |-
            ☑️ URLs extracted:
            - [{{links.0.title}}]({{links.0.url}})
            - [{{links.1.title}}]({{links.1.url}})
            - [{{links.2.title}}]({{links.2.url}})
            - [{{links.3.title}}]({{links.3.url}})
            - [{{links.4.title}}]({{links.4.url}})
            - [{{links.5.title}}]({{links.5.url}})
            - [{{links.6.title}}]({{links.6.url}})
            - [{{links.7.title}}]({{links.7.url}})
          type: say
        - param: url-redo
            - label: ✅ SAVE
              value: 'yes'
            - label: ⛔ NEW SEARCH
              value: 'no'
          type: ask
          message: ''
          default: ''
          optionsInvalid: false
        - condition: '{{url-redo}} = no'
          type: jump
          to: NEW URL SEARCH
        - message: '✅ Saved! '
          condition: '{{url-redo}} = yes'
          type: say
        - type: jump
          to: SAY INPUTS
      condition: '{{change-input}} = links'
      type: group
      label: 3️⃣ EXTERNAL LINKS
    - steps:
        - message: 💬 Provide a new relevant text and I will save it.
          type: ask
          param: context
          options: null
          default: ''
        - message: '✅ Context saved! '
          type: say
        - type: jump
          to: SAY INPUTS
      condition: '{{change-input}} = context'
      type: group
      label: 4️⃣ CONTEXT
  label: EDIT INPUTS
  condition: '{{blog-option}} = editinputs'
  type: group
- steps:
    - param: refine-menu
        - label: ✅ DONE
          value: done
        - label: ✴️ REFINE
          value: refine
        - label: ♻️ EDIT INPUTS & REDO
          value: edit-inputs
        - label: 🔐 SAVE TO JSON
          value: save
        - label: 📚 SHOW JSON
          value: show-array
        - label: 📦 EXPORT
          value: export
      label: REFINE-MENU
      type: ask
      message: ''
      default: ''
      optionsInvalid: false
    - condition: '{{refine-menu}} = done'
      type: stop
      label: ✅ DONE
    - steps:
        - param: instructions
          message: 💬 What changes would you like me to make?
          type: ask
          options: null
          default: ''
        - prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions. The output should be in

            I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high end copy writer.

            I want you to make changes to the [BLOG POST]. Please do not output
            anything but the revised  [BLOG POST]. 

            - Do not echo my command. 

            - Do not put quotes around the revised text.

            - Do not write any Notes for me. 

            - I only need the rewritten text and nothing more.

            - If I said to delete a certain part of the text, you should delete
            only that one.

            [CHANGES TO MAKE]: {{instructions}}

            [BLOG POST: 


            Rewritten blog post:
          type: gpt
          param: result
          isolated: true
        - type: jump
          to: REFINE-MENU
      condition: '{{refine-menu}} = refine'
      type: group
      label: ✴️ REFINE
    - steps:
        - type: jump
          to: SAY INPUTS
      condition: '{{refine-menu}} = edit-inputs'
      type: group
      label: ♻️ EDIT INPUTS & REDO
    - steps:
        - message: ✅ The Blog Post is saved in the {{g.blogposts}} global parameter.
          type: say
          interpolate: false
        - list: g.blogposts
          type: calc
          func: list-add
          index: last
          item: result
        - type: jump
          to: REFINE-MENU
      condition: '{{refine-menu}} = save'
      label: ' 🔐 SAVE TO ARRAY'
      type: group
    - steps:
        - message: '{{g.blogposts}}'
          type: say
        - type: jump
          to: REFINE-MENU
      condition: '{{refine-menu}} = show-array'
      label: ' 📚 SHOW ARRAY'
      type: group
    - what: param
      condition: '{{refine-menu}} = export'
      type: export
      param: result
  label: REFINE MENU
  type: group
Notice: Please read before using

This automation command is created by a community member. HARPA AI team does not audit community commands.

Please review the command carefully and only install if you trust the creator.

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