- type: group
- type: say
message: |-
⛔️ Oops, could not parse Reddit conversation from this page.
Please navigate to a Reddit post and run the command again.
- type: stop
condition: '{{thread limit=0}} ='
- type: ask
param: messagesCount
message: How many comments to scan and use, please type in a number?
- label: ✅ SCAN UP TO 100 COMMENTS
value: 100
- $custom
default: ''
enabled: false
mode: area
hint: ''
send: true
optionsInvalid: false
condition: '{{thread limit=0}}'
- type: calc
func: set
param: data
format: ''
value: '{{thread limit={{messagesCount}}}}'
- type: ask
param: option
message: Select an option or enter your own instructions.
- label: 🖊 BLOG POST
value: >-
Blog Post: Come up with a title for this blog post at the beginning, a
meta description, and hashtags at the end. The content must be
well-researched and provide valuable insights, opinions, or advice
related to the Reddit post. Format the text using headings (H2, H3, H4),
numbered and bullet points, and other markdown formatting features.
- label: 🐦 TWEET
value: tweet
- $custom
default: ''
enabled: false
mode: area
hint: ''
send: true
optionsInvalid: false
- type: gpt
prompt: >-
Please ignore all previous instructions.
I want you to only respond in {{language}}.
Act as a social media content creator with expertise in topic generation.
I will provide you with text information from a Reddit post and all
comments. Identify the main content, analyze it, and compose three different
tweets related to the data.
Tweets should convey insights, opinions, or details pertaining to the
subject. Ensure the content is engaging and tailored to its potential target
Keep in mind that the tweets should be different according to my
- Extract the main essence of a Reddit thread.
- The first one should have 1 emoji and no hashtags.
- The second should have hashtags and no emoji.
- The third should not have both an emoji and hashtags.
Every TWEET should have a title and a markdown code block with the tweet
itself, enclosed into code-block quotes. Do not echo my prompt.
**Tweet #1**
tweet - use 1 emoji and no hashtags
**Tweet #2**
tweet - use hashtags and no emoji
**Tweet #3**
tweet - don't use emoji or hashtags
[Reddit Thread Data]: {{data}}
TWEET in {{language}}:
condition: '{{option}} = tweet'
isolated: true
- type: gpt
prompt: >-
Please ignore all previous instructions.
I want you to only respond in {{language}}.
Act as a social media content creator with expertise in topic generation.
I will provide you with text information from a Reddit post and all
comments. Find the main content, analyze it and generate a {{option}}.
- Extract the main essence of a Reddit thread.
- Clearly capture opinions of different users. If opposing viewpoints are
presented, describe them and reference usernames and their perspectives when
- Mention that this content is based on a Reddit Thread, embed this
[Markdown link title](URL) into the text once.
- Respond only with a generated content, no extra notes or general phrases.
- Do not echo my prompt.
Reddit Thread URL: {{url}}
[Reddit Thread Data]:
[RESPONSE IN {{language}}]:
condition: '{{option}} != tweet'
isolated: true
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