👤  lecture style summary

Created by K D
Updated on Feb 16, 21:28
Installed 5 times

How to Use



- type: ask
  param: p1
  message: 'Please provide content:'
  default: '{{page}} {{youtube.transcript}}'
- type: gpt
  prompt: >-
    You are an adept college professor, skilled in crafting insightful notes. 

    Your task is to convert given text into a cheatsheet-style lecture note with
    markdown syntax. This summary should be detailed, including key steps,
    codes, figures (as markdown images),  equations, and additional notes
    necessary for understanding and utilizing the information without referring
    back to the original text. When formatting equations, use`$` for inline
    formula and `$$` for displayed formula, never use "\(...\)" or "\[...\]". 
    Pay special effort to preserve coding examples and images.  Include the
    given chunk number in the H1 title '# <TITLE> (part X/<total>, REF Y)' where
    part is the trunk # given, and REF is section or timestamp in the text.  Use
    up to 4 levels (`####`) for sections, put original section if available in
    brackets like "## summary title (REF <original>)'.  Indented lists can't
    contain indented lists, but don't omit details. Study questions and
    exercises can be omitted.



    --begin text chunk {{chunk.index}} of {{chunk.total}} chunks--


    --end text chunk {{chunk.index}} of {{chunk.total}} chunks --


    lecture note:

    # [title] ({{chunk.index}} of {{chunk.total}} )
    text: '{{p1}}'
    empty: ''
    maxTokens: 5120
  isolated: true
  param: gpt
- type: js
  code: |2-

              const patterns = [
                  { regex: /^\s*\$\s*\n/g, replacement: "\$\$\n" },
     { regex: /\\Perp/g, replacement: "\\perp" },
                  { regex: /\\\(|\\\)/g, replacement: "\$" },
                  { regex: /\$\$\$/g, replacement: "\$\$" },
                  { regex: /^\s+!/gm, replacement: "!" },
                  { regex: /^\s+\$\$\s*\n/g, replacement: "\$\$\n" },
                  { regex: /-\s+!\[/gm, replacement: "!\[" },
    { regex: /boldbold/g, replacement: "boldsymbol" },
    { regex: /boldboldbold/g, replacement: "boldsymbol" },
    { regex: /```hrp-text\s[^`]*?```/gm, replacement: ""}

              let result = gpt;
              for (const pattern of patterns) {
                  result = result.replace(pattern.regex, pattern.replacement);
              return result;
  param: result
  timeout: 15000
  args: gpt
- type: export
  what: param
  param: result
  filename: harpa-lecture-summary.md
- type: say
  message: '{{result}}'
Notice: Please read before using

This automation command is created by a community member. HARPA AI team does not audit community commands.

Please review the command carefully and only install if you trust the creator.

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