❤️  Instagram Like Machine v2.1

Automatic like machine that LOOPs over lists of #hashtags or @usernames. Command saves already processed photos and settings, making runs more effective. #instagram

Created by Bohdan Kovtunenko
Updated on Nov 11, 2024 08:14
Installed 168 times

How to Use



- type: group
    - type: calc
      func: set
      param: likesCount
      format: number
      value: '0'
    - param: g.inst.likesDelay
      format: auto
      value: normal
      condition: '{{g.inst.likesDelay}} ='
      type: calc
      func: set
    - param: g.inst.comments
      value: 'no'
      condition: '{{g.inst.comments}} ='
      type: calc
      func: set
      format: auto
    - param: g.inst.commentStyle
      value: >-
        I need a brief comment from the HARPA AI team, mentioning that we
        stumbled upon them online. If suitable, mention something about our
        product, HARPA AI. HARPA AI is a Chrome Extension that can integrate AI
        into a user's daily tasks and automate their browser activities, helping
        achieve peak productivity and save time. If you see an AI-generated
        image in the screenshot, mention that HARPA AI can create great prompts
        for Midjourney. Also, HARPA have a large collection of prompt templates
        for generating images in various styles.
      condition: '{{g.inst.commentStyle}} ='
      type: calc
      func: set
      format: auto
    - param: g.inst.likesPerRun
      value: '10'
      condition: '{{g.inst.likesPerRun}} ='
      type: calc
      func: set
      format: auto
    - param: g.inst.target
      value: '@harpa.ai #harpaai'
      condition: '{{g.inst.target}} ='
      type: calc
      func: set
      format: auto
- message: >-
    👋 Hi, 

    - Keep this tab active in the browser window for liking to work correctly.

    - Avoid using this Instagram profile in other tabs while the automation is

    - Comments use Vision features. Make sure you're using the correct LLM, and
    we recommend reducing your active browser window size to minimize token

    📣 For safety, we recommend not leaving more than 100 likes and 50 comments
    per day, using a delay of at least 5 sec after each action. You can speed up
    liking, risking temporary action blocks - it is up to you.
  type: say
  label: WELCOME
- steps:
    - steps:
        - param: comments
          format: ''
          value: |-
            YES, {{g.inst.commentsCount}} per @ or #.

            🔔 For successful commenting:
            - Do not touch this browser window or cover it with other windows.
            - Use a Vision-capable AI model (e.g., CloudGPT GPT-4o or API).
          condition: '{{g.inst.comments}} = yes'
          type: calc
          func: set
        - value: 'NO'
          condition: '{{g.inst.comments}} = no'
          type: calc
          func: set
          param: comments
          format: ''
      label: CHANGE WORDING
      type: group
    - type: ask
      param: speed
      message: |-
        ## Current actions frequency:

        **Likes per @ or #:** {{g.inst.likesPerRun}}

        **Delay:** {{g.inst.likesDelay}}

        **Leave comments:** {{comments}}
        - label: ✅ OK!
          value: ok
        - label: ⚙️ CUSTOMIZE
          value: customize
        enabled: false
        mode: area
        send: true
        hint: ''
      default: ''
      optionsInvalid: false
    - type: jump
      to: START ASK
      condition: '{{speed}} = ok'
    - message: >-
        💡 Choose an option or enter a custom delay in milliseconds (1 min = 60
        sec = 60000 ms).
        - label: ⏩ NORMAL (1-5 sec.)
          value: normal
        - label: ▶️ SLOW (10-20 sec.)
          value: slow
        - label: ⏭ FAST (0.5 sec.)
          value: fast
        - $custom
      type: ask
      param: g.inst.likesDelay
      default: ''
      optionsInvalid: false
    - message: '**Likes per @ or #:**'
        - label: 5 likes
          value: 5
        - label: 10 likes
          value: 10
        - label: 25 likes
          value: 25
        - $custom
      type: ask
      param: g.inst.likesPerRun
      default: ''
      optionsInvalid: false
    - steps:
        - message: Add comments?
            - label: ✅ YES
              value: 'yes'
            - label: ⛔ NO
              value: 'no'
            enabled: false
            mode: area
            hint: ''
            send: true
          param: g.inst.comments
          type: ask
          default: ''
          optionsInvalid: false
        - to: CHANGE WORDING
          condition: '{{g.inst.comments}} = no'
          type: jump
        - message: How many comments do I need to generate per profile / hashtag?
            - label: 1 comment
              value: 1
            - label: 5 comments
              value: 5
            - label: 10 comments
              value: 10
            - $custom
            enabled: false
            mode: area
            hint: ''
            send: true
          label: ASK HOW MANY
          param: g.inst.commentsCount
          condition: '{{g.inst.comments}} = yes'
          type: ask
          default: ''
          optionsInvalid: false
        - message: |-
            Enter your comment instructions.


            enabled: false
            mode: area
            hint: ''
            send: true
          label: ASK STYLE
          options: null
          default: ''
          type: ask
          param: g.inst.commentStyle
        - to: CHANGE WORDING
          type: jump
      label: ASK COMMENTS
      type: group
  label: SETTINGS
  type: group
- steps:
    - message: >-
        💬 Enter #hashtags or @usernames, separated by spaces or commas. You can
        mix them together.

        Or, choose from your last used:



        - label: ▶️ START
          value: start
        - label: ♻️ GENERATE HASHTAGS
          value: hashtags
        - $custom
      default: '@harpa.ai'
      label: ASK FOR INPUT
      param: input
      type: ask
      optionsInvalid: false
    - steps:
        - message: 💬 What's the topic?
          param: topic
          type: ask
          options: null
          default: ''
        - prompt: >-
            Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to respond only
            in English. Create 20 simple 1 or 2 words Instagram hashtags
            targeting my [TOPIC].

            - Separate keywords by commas, write them with #. Only capitalize
            proper nouns. Output in a single line.

            - I need you to generate a list of basic hashtags that can be used
            to find many photos. 

            - Keep the hashtags simple, like a single word keywords.

            Wrap your response into a markdown code block. Example:






          type: gpt
          param: input
          silent: false
        - func: extract-code
          type: calc
          to: input
          param: input
          index: ''
        - param: ask-hashtags
            - label: ✅ START WITH HASHTAGS
              value: start
            - label: ⛔ MENU
              value: menu
          type: ask
          message: ''
          default: ''
          optionsInvalid: false
        - condition: '{{ask-hashtags}} = menu'
          type: jump
          to: ASK FOR INPUT
          condition: '{{ask-hashtags}} = start'
          type: jump
      condition: '{{input}} = hashtags'
      type: group
    - func: clone
      condition: '{{input}} = start'
      type: calc
      from: g.inst.target
      to: input
    - code: |-
        function extractUsernamesAndHashtags(args) {
            // Regex to find usernames
            const usernameRegex = /@\w+(\.\w+)*(_\w+)*(\.\w+)*/g;
            // Regex to find hashtags
            const hashtagRegex = /#\w+/g;

            // Searching for usernames and hashtags in the text from args.input
            const usernames = args.input.match(usernameRegex) || [];
            const hashtags = args.input.match(hashtagRegex) || [];

            // Combining the results into one array
            return [...usernames, ...hashtags];

        return extractUsernamesAndHashtags(args)
      type: js
      param: list
      args: input
      silent: true
    - message: '⛔️ Unrecognised #hashtag / @username format.'
      condition: '{{list.length}} = 0'
      type: say
    - type: jump
      to: ASK FOR INPUT
      condition: '{{list.length}} = 0'
    - type: calc
      func: clone
      from: input
      to: g.inst.target
  label: START ASK
  type: group
- steps:
    - steps:
        - param: target
          value: '{{item}}'
          type: calc
          func: set
          format: ''
        - param: saytarget
          type: calc
          func: set
          format: ''
          value: '{{item}}'
        - steps:
            - func: replace
              regex: /^#/gmi
              type: calc
              to: target
              param: target
              template: ''
            - func: encode-url
              type: calc
              to: target
              param: target
            - url: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/{{target}}/?hl=en
              type: navigate
              waitForIdle: true
              silent: true
            - to: FIND FOTO URLS
              type: jump
          condition: '{{target}} =~ ^#\w+'
          label: HASHTAG ENTERED
          type: group
        - steps:
            - regex: /^@/gmi
              type: calc
              func: replace
              to: target
              param: target
              template: ''
            - type: calc
              func: encode-url
              to: target
              param: target
            - url: https://www.instagram.com/{{target}}/
              type: navigate
              waitForIdle: true
              silent: true
            - type: jump
              to: FIND FOTO URLS
          condition: '{{target}} =~ ^@\w+'
          label: USERNAME ENTERED
          type: group
        - message: |-
            ⛔️ Unrecognised #hashtag / @username format.
          type: say
      label: NAVIGATE
      type: group
    - steps:
        - param: cCount
          type: calc
          func: set
          format: number
          value: '0'
        - code: |-
            await $harpa.scroller.scroll()
            await $harpa.scroller.scroll()
          type: js
          args: ''
          param: ''
          silent: true
        - type: wait
          for: idle
          timeout: 2000
          silent: true
        - type: js
          code: |-
            await $harpa.scroller.scroll()
            await $harpa.scroller.scroll()
          args: ''
          param: ''
          silent: true
        - type: wait
          for: idle
          timeout: 2000
          silent: true
        - code: |-
            return Array
                .map(a => 'https://www.instagram.com' + a.getAttribute('href'))
                .filter(url => url.includes('/p/'));
          param: pageLinks
          type: js
          args: ''
          silent: true
        - code: >-
            let filteredArray = pageLinks.filter(url =>

            return filteredArray;
          args: pageLinks, g
          param: links
          label: 'FILTERING PROCESSED '
          condition: '{{g.inst.processed}}'
          type: js
          silent: true
        - label: COPY IF 1ST RUN
          type: calc
          func: clone
          from: pageLinks
          to: links
        - message: >-
            🔍 Found {{pageLinks.length}} photos, {{links.length}} are not
            processed yet. Liking....
          condition: '{{links.length}} > 0'
          type: say
        - to: END LOOP SKIP ITEM
          condition: '{{links.length}} = 0'
          type: jump
        - for: 0.5s
          type: wait
          silent: true
      type: group
      label: FIND FOTO URLS
    - label: COUNT ACTIONS
      type: calc
      func: set
      param: likesCount
      format: number
      value: '0'
    - steps:
        - steps:
            - message: >-
                **{{saytarget}}:** {{likesCount}} out of {{g.inst.likesPerRun}}
                photos are liked. 
              type: say
            - to: TO NEXT PAGE
              type: jump
          condition: '{{likesCount}} = {{g.inst.likesPerRun}}'
          label: 'END '
          type: group
        - type: navigate
          url: '{{item}}'
          waitForIdle: false
          silent: true
        - type: control
          action: show
        - for: js-function
          timeout: 3000
          code: >-
            svg[aria-label="Unlike"][width="24"]').length > 0
          type: wait
          silent: true
        - code: >-
            > 0
          param: unlike
          type: js
          args: ''
          silent: true
        - message: ❤️ Liking [post]({{item}}) by {{saytarget}}
          condition: '{{saytarget}} =~ ^@\w+'
          type: say
        - message: ❤️ Liking [post]({{item}}) in {{saytarget}}.
          condition: '{{saytarget}} =~ ^#\w+'
          type: say
        - message: 📌 Already liked, skipping!
          condition: '{{unlike}} = true'
          type: say
        - steps:
            - condition: '{{cCount}} ='
              type: calc
              func: set
              param: cCount
              format: number
              value: '0'
            - condition: '{{cCount}} >= {{g.inst.commentsCount}}'
              to: LIKE
              type: jump
            - message: ⏳ Analyzing screenshot
              type: say
            - prompt: >
                Act like you are a regular Instagram user representing the HARPA
                AI Team.

                I want you to analyze a screenshot of a page with a post and
                image, then generage a comment or say that the post should be
                skipped (criteria will be provided later).

                Follow the instructions:

                - Follow my style or instructions: {{g.inst.commentStyle}}. 

                - Response in {{language}}

                - Write very brief answers, act like a regular person, and try
                to use simple words and expressions suitable for social media.

                - Analyze the image and decide if its content is appropriate for
                commenting: consider whether it's reasonable to comment
                according to my instructions. . 

                - Some images are irrelevant and need no comment. If you see an
                irrelevant image in the screenshot, say "skip" in a markdown
                code block.

                - Do not create or assume extra information you haven’t been

                - I only need the comment in a markdown code block.

                Strictly follow the response format:


                comment text


                or for irrelevant content: 




                Instagram page screenshot: {{view}}

                Your response in markdown code block:
              param: reply
              type: gpt
              isolated: true
              silent: false
            - type: calc
              func: extract-code
              to: reply
              param: reply
              index: ''
            - message: >-
                🟡 [Photo]({{url}}) unsuitable for comment based on
                instructions. Skipping.
              condition: '{{reply}} = skip'
              type: say
            - condition: '{{reply}} = skip'
              type: jump
              to: LIKE
            - func: increment
              type: calc
              param: cCount
              delta: 1
            - action: hide
              type: control
            - text: '{{reply}}'
                - $matches:
                    - $tag: TEXTAREA
                    - $role: textbox
                    - $class: x1i0vuye
                    - $class: xvbhtw8
                    - $class: x1ejq31n
                    - $class: xd10rxx
                    - $class: x1sy0etr
                    - $class: x17r0tee
                    - $class: x5n08af
                    - $class: x78zum5
                    - $class: x1iyjqo2
                    - $class: x1qlqyl8
                    - $class: x1d6elog
                    - $class: xlk1fp6
                    - $class: x1a2a7pz
                    - $class: xexx8yu
                    - $class: x4uap5
                    - $class: x18d9i69
                    - $class: xkhd6sd
                    - $class: xtt52l0
                    - $class: xnalus7
                    - $class: xs3hnx8
                    - $class: x1bq4at4
                    - $class: xaqnwrm
                    - $attribute: aria-label=Add a comment…
                    - $attribute: autocomplete=off
                    - $attribute: autocorrect=off
                    - $attribute: dir
                    - $attribute: 'style=height: 18px !important;'
                    - $attribute: data-last-active-input
                    - $style: '-apple-system:14px:400:normal'
                    - $placeholder: Add a comment…
                    - $role: form
                      traverse: '0:1'
                    - $class: x1hrcb2b
                      traverse: '0:0:0:1'
                    - $class: x1q2y9iw
                      traverse: '4:0:0:0:1'
                    - $class: x18l3tf1
                      traverse: '4:0:0:0:1'
                    - $class: xy80clv
                      traverse: '4:0:0:0:1'
                    - $anchor: denissluman Beautiful Country 🇳🇴
                      shift: '-10:-32'
                    - traverse: '-12:4:0:0:0:1'
                      $text: denissluman Beautiful Country 🇳🇴
                    - $anchor: ibrgkllrch Heavenly country ❤️
                      shift: '-10:34'
                    - $text: ibrgkllrch Heavenly country ❤️
                      traverse: '-12:4:0:0:0:1'
                    - $anchor: hamza_v8 Love 🇳🇴 🙏🏼
                      shift: '-10:100'
                    - $text: hamza_v8 Love 🇳🇴 🙏🏼
                      traverse: '-12:4:0:0:0:1'
                  min: 12
                - $size: 1
                  __$ht: element
                  id: 0
                type: element
                value: Add a comment…
              mode: type
              type: paste
              selectorType: ai
              silent: true
            - selector:
                - $matches:
                    - $tag: DIV
                    - $role: button
                    - $class: x1i10hfl
                    - $class: xjqpnuy
                    - $class: xa49m3k
                    - $class: xqeqjp1
                    - $class: x2hbi6w
                    - $class: xdl72j9
                    - $class: x2lah0s
                    - $class: xe8uvvx
                    - $class: xdj266r
                    - $class: x11i5rnm
                    - $class: xat24cr
                    - $class: x1mh8g0r
                    - $class: x2lwn1j
                    - $class: xeuugli
                    - $class: x1hl2dhg
                    - $class: xggy1nq
                    - $class: x1ja2u2z
                    - $class: x1t137rt
                    - $class: x1q0g3np
                    - $class: x1lku1pv
                    - $class: x1a2a7pz
                    - $class: x6s0dn4
                    - $class: xjyslct
                    - $class: x1ejq31n
                    - $class: xd10rxx
                    - $class: x1sy0etr
                    - $class: x17r0tee
                    - $class: x9f619
                    - $class: x1ypdohk
                    - $class: x1f6kntn
                    - $class: xwhw2v2
                    - $class: xl56j7k
                    - $class: x17ydfre
                    - $class: x2b8uid
                    - $class: xlyipyv
                    - $class: x87ps6o
                    - $class: x14atkfc
                    - $class: xcdnw81
                    - $class: x1i0vuye
                    - $class: xjbqb8w
                    - $class: xm3z3ea
                    - $class: x1x8b98j
                    - $class: x131883w
                    - $class: x16mih1h
                    - $class: x972fbf
                    - $class: xcfux6l
                    - $class: x1qhh985
                    - $class: xm0m39n
                    - $class: xt0psk2
                    - $class: xt7dq6l
                    - $class: xexx8yu
                    - $class: x4uap5
                    - $class: x18d9i69
                    - $class: xkhd6sd
                    - $class: x1n2onr6
                    - $class: x1n5bzlp
                    - $class: x173jzuc
                    - $class: x1yc6y37
                    - $attribute: role=button
                    - $attribute: tabindex=0
                    - $style: '-apple-system:14px:600:normal'
                    - $content: Post
                    - traverse: '0:2:0'
                      $role: form
                    - traverse: '0:0:0:2:0'
                      $class: x1hrcb2b
                    - traverse: '4:0:0:0:2:0'
                      $class: x1q2y9iw
                    - $class: x18l3tf1
                      traverse: '4:0:0:0:2:0'
                    - $class: xy80clv
                      traverse: '4:0:0:0:2:0'
                    - shift: '398:33'
                      $anchor: ibrgkllrch Heavenly country ❤️
                    - traverse: '-12:4:0:0:0:2:0'
                      $text: ibrgkllrch Heavenly country ❤️
                    - shift: 398:-33
                      $anchor: denissluman Beautiful Country 🇳🇴
                    - $text: denissluman Beautiful Country 🇳🇴
                      traverse: '-12:4:0:0:0:2:0'
                    - $anchor: xzczxc
                      shift: 408:-1
                    - traverse: '-1:2:0'
                      $text: xzczxc
                  min: 59
                - $size: 1
                  __$ht: element
                  id: 1
                type: element
                value: Post
              type: click
              selectorType: ai
              silent: true
            - message: '✅ Comment sent: **{{cCount}} / {{g.inst.commentsCount}}**'
              type: say
          label: COMMENT
          type: group
          condition: '{{g.inst.comments}} = yes'
        - selector:
            - $matches:
                - $tag: svg
                - $role: img
                - $class: x1lliihq
                - $class: x1n2onr6
                - $class: xyb1xck
                - $attribute: aria-label=Like
                - $attribute: fill=currentColor
                - $attribute: height=24
                - $attribute: role=img
                - $attribute: viewBox=0 0 24 24
                - $attribute: width=24
                - $style: '-apple-system:14px:400:normal'
                - $class: _aamw
                  traverse: '0:0:0:0'
                - $class: _aamu
                  traverse: '0:0:0:0:0'
                - $class: _ae3_
                  traverse: '0:0:0:0:0'
                - $class: _ae47
                  traverse: '0:0:0:0:0'
                - $class: _ae48
                  traverse: '0:0:0:0:0'
                - shift: '-40:-103'
                  $anchor: Add a comment…
                - traverse: '-5:0:0:0:0:0:0'
                  $text: Add a comment…
                - $anchor: >-
                    digi._.fly Chatgpt is a great tool, it can solve all your
                    content creation problem and increase the efficiency 🙌🔥
                  shift: '-50:-209'
                - traverse: '-8:0:0:0:0:0:0'
                  $text: >-
                    digi._.fly Chatgpt is a great tool, it can solve all your
                    content creation problem and increase the efficiency 🙌🔥
                - $anchor: >-
                    _socialdelight These prompts will definitely help you to get
                    your desire results!
                  shift: '-50:-293'
                - $text: >-
                    _socialdelight These prompts will definitely help you to get
                    your desire results!
                  traverse: '-8:0:0:0:0:0:0'
              min: 11
            - $size: 1
              __$ht: element
              id: 0
            value: Element
            type: element
          condition: '{{unlike}} = false'
          type: click
          selectorType: ai
          label: LIKE
          silent: false
        - type: calc
          func: increment
          param: likesCount
          delta: 1
          condition: '{{unlike}} = false'
        - func: list-add
          list: g.inst.processed
          item: url
          label: MARK AS PROCESSED
          type: calc
          index: ''
        - condition: '{{g.likesDelay}} = normal'
          label: NORMAL
          for: random-delay
          minDelay: 1000
          maxDelay: 5000
          type: wait
          silent: true
        - maxDelay: 20000
          condition: '{{g.likesDelay}} = slow'
          label: SLOW
          minDelay: 10000
          type: wait
          for: random-delay
          silent: true
        - condition: '{{g.likesDelay}} = fast'
          label: FAST
          type: wait
          for: 0.5s
          silent: true
        - condition: '{{g.likesDelay-option}} = $custom'
          label: CUSTOM DELAY
          for: custom-delay
          type: wait
          silent: true
          delay: 0
        - message: ▶️ Empty page > Next!
          condition: '{{message}} = 🚀 Found 0 photos. Liking them now.'
          type: say
          label: END LOOP SKIP ITEM
      type: loop
      label: LIKES
      list: links
    - type: wait
      for: 0.5s
      label: TO NEXT PAGE
      silent: true
  type: loop
  list: list
- message: ✅ Done!
  label: ALL DONE
  type: say
Notice: Please read before using

This automation command is created by a community member. HARPA AI team does not audit community commands.

Please review the command carefully and only install if you trust the creator.

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