🧬  Instagram Data Extraction v1

Extracts Instagram follower and following profiles, saving it as JSON with names and profile links. #instagram #json

Created by Bohdan Kovtunenko
Updated on Nov 11, 2024 08:11
Installed 167 times

How to Use



- type: calc
  func: delete
  param: g.json
- type: ask
  param: input
  message: >-
    Send the Instagram profile as **@username** or **username**, the link as
    **https://www.instagram.com/username/**, or start processing this tab.
    - label: ✅ USE THIS TAB
      value: tab
    - $custom
  default: ''
    enabled: false
    mode: area
    send: true
    hint: ''
  label: ASK FOR INPUT
  optionsInvalid: false
- type: group
    - type: js
      args: url
      code: |-
        let regex = /instagram\.com\/[\w\.]+(?:\/.*)?$/;

        let isValid = regex.test(url);
        return isValid;
      param: linkCheck
      timeout: 15000
      silent: true
    - type: say
      message: >-
        ⛔️ The webpage is not suitable for processing. Please start on a new
        page or provide me with a username or link.
      condition: '{{linkCheck}} = false'
    - type: jump
      to: ASK FOR INPUT
      condition: '{{linkCheck}} = false'
    - code: |-
        let urlPattern = /^https:\/\/www\.instagram\.com\/([\w\.]+)/;

        let result = url.match(urlPattern)[1]; 

        return result;
      param: username
      type: js
      args: url
      timeout: 15000
      silent: true
      type: jump
  condition: '{{input}} = tab'
- steps:
    - code: |-
        let urlPattern = /^https:\/\/www\.instagram\.com\/([\w\.]+)/;
        let result = input; // Default to the original value

        if (input.startsWith('@')) {
            result = input.slice(1); // Remove '@' symbol if it exists
        } else if (urlPattern.test(result)) {
            result = input.match(urlPattern)[1]; // Extract username from the URL

        return result;
      type: js
      args: input
      param: username
      timeout: 15000
      silent: true
  condition: '{{input-option}} = $custom'
  type: group
- steps:
    - message: ⏳ Navigating to **@{{username}}**'s profile.
      type: say
    - type: navigate
      url: https://www.instagram.com/{{username}}/
      waitForIdle: false
      silent: true
    - type: wait
      for: 2s
      silent: true
    - code: |-
        let text = document.querySelector('header section ul').innerText;
        let formattedText = text.replace(/\n/g, ', '); 
        return formattedText;
      param: stats
      type: js
      args: ''
      timeout: 15000
      silent: true
      label: EXTRACT STATS
  label: NAVIGATE
  type: group
- param: count
  message: >-
    **@{{username}}** has {{stats}}. 

    How many followers/following profiles should be extracted? Pick an option or
    enter a number.
    - label: ♻️ ALL
      value: 99999999999
    - label: 50
      value: 50
    - label: 100
      value: 100
    - label: 250
      value: 250
    - label: 500
      value: 500
    - label: 1k
      value: 1000
    - label: 5k
      value: 5000
    - label: 10k
      value: 10000
    - $custom
    enabled: false
    mode: area
    hint: ''
    send: true
  type: ask
  default: ''
  optionsInvalid: false
- param: option
    - label: ✅ EXTRACT BOTH
      value: both
    - label: ➡️ ONLY FOLLOWERS
      value: followers
    - label: ⬅️ ONLY FOLLOWING
      value: following
    enabled: false
    mode: area
    hint: ''
    send: true
  type: ask
  message: ''
  default: ''
  optionsInvalid: false
- steps:
    - steps:
        - message: ⏳ Extracting followers' profiles, wait a bit.
          type: say
        - url: https://www.instagram.com/{{username}}/followers/
          type: navigate
          waitForIdle: false
          silent: true
        - type: control
          action: show
        - for: idle
          timeout: 3500
          type: wait
          silent: true
        - code: |-
            let linkOpened = !!document.querySelector('div[role="dialog"]');

            return linkOpened;
          param: linkOpened
          label: CHECK IF OPENED
          type: js
          args: ''
          timeout: 15000
          silent: true
        - code: >-
            document.querySelector('header section ul li:nth-child(2)
          condition: '{{linkOpened}} = false'
          label: CLICK IF FAILED
          type: js
          args: linkOpened
          param: ''
          timeout: 15000
          silent: true
        - type: wait
          for: 2s
          silent: true
          condition: '{{linkOpened}} = false'
        - code: |-
            let openData = !!document.querySelector('[placeholder="Search"]');

            return openData;
          param: openData
          label: CHECK IF HIDDEN
          type: js
          args: ''
          timeout: 15000
          silent: true
        - message: 💡 Followers info hidden. Extracting what's accessible...
          condition: '{{openData}} = false'
          type: say
        - code: |-
            async function extractDataWithScroll(count) {
              // Find the dialog element
              const dialog = document.querySelector('div[role="dialog"]');
              if (!dialog) {
                console.error('Dialog not found');
                return null;

              const results = [];
              const uniqueUsernames = new Set();
              let retries = 0;
              const maxRetries = 10; // Limit the number of scrolling attempts

              // Function to scroll and wait for new content to load
              async function scrollAndWait() {
                const scrollableElement = document.querySelector('div[role="dialog"] div:has(> div > input) ~ div:last-child');
                if (scrollableElement) {
                  console.log('Scrolling to load more users...');
                  scrollableElement.scrollBy(0, 1000); // Scroll down by 1000 pixels
                  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 3000)); // Wait for 1 second for new elements to load
                } else {
                  console.error('Error: Unable to find the scrollable element.');

              // Function to extract user data from the current view
              async function extractUsers() {
                const userElements = dialog.querySelectorAll('div[role="dialog"] div[style*="flex-direction: column"] > div > div > div:nth-child(1)');
                let newUsersFound = false;

                for (const userElement of userElements) {
                  // Find the link element containing the username
                  const linkElement = userElement.querySelector('a[href^="/"][role="link"]');
                  if (!linkElement) continue;

                  // Extract username from the link
                  const link = linkElement.getAttribute('href');
                  const username = link.slice(1).replace('/', '');

                  // Skip if this username has already been processed
                  if (uniqueUsernames.has(username)) continue;

                  // Try to find the full name
                  let fullNameElement = linkElement.nextElementSibling;
                  let fullName = fullNameElement && fullNameElement.tagName === 'SPAN' 
                    ? fullNameElement.textContent.trim() 
                    : '';

                  // If full name not found, search in other span elements
                  if (!fullName) {
                    const spans = userElement.querySelectorAll('span');
                    for (const span of spans) {
                      const text = span.textContent.trim();
                      if (text && text !== username && text !== 'Search') {
                        fullName = text;

                  // If both username and full name are found, add to results
                  if (username && fullName) {
                      username: username,
                      fullName: fullName,
                      link: `https://www.instagram.com/${username}`
                    newUsersFound = true;

                return newUsersFound;

              // Main loop: extract users and scroll until target count is reached or max retries hit
              while (results.length < count && retries < maxRetries) {
                const newUsersFound = await extractUsers();
                console.log(`Collected ${results.length} users so far.`);

                if (results.length < count) {
                  await scrollAndWait();

                if (!newUsersFound) {
                } else {
                  retries = 0; // Reset the retry counter if new users were found

              console.log(`Total users found: ${results.length}`);
              // Trim the results array to the requested count
              if (results.length > count) {
                console.log(`Trimming results from ${results.length} to ${count}`);
              // Return the results as a JSON string, or undefined if no results
              return results.length > 0 ? JSON.stringify(results, null, 2) : undefined;

            // Function call and result output
            extractDataWithScroll(count).then(data => {
              console.log(data ? data : "No data found");

            // Return the promise from the function call
            return extractDataWithScroll(count);
          timeout: 150000
          type: js
          args: count
          param: followers
          silent: true
        - func: extract-json
          index: all
          type: calc
          to: followers
          param: followers
        - func: list-add
          list: instagram.followers
          type: calc
          index: ''
          item: followers
        - message: ✅ Extracted {{followers.length}} followers' profiles.
          type: say
      label: FOLLOWERS
      condition: '{{option}} != following'
      type: group
    - steps:
        - message: ⏳ Extracting following profiles, wait a bit.
          type: say
        - url: https://www.instagram.com/{{username}}/following/
          type: navigate
          waitForIdle: false
          silent: true
        - type: control
          action: show
        - type: wait
          for: idle
          silent: true
          timeout: 3500
        - type: js
          args: ''
          code: |-
            let linkOpened = !!document.querySelector('div[role="dialog"]');

            return linkOpened;
          param: linkOpened
          timeout: 15000
          label: CHECK IF OPENED
          silent: true
        - code: >-
            document.querySelector('header section ul li:nth-child(3)
          type: js
          args: linkOpened
          param: ''
          timeout: 15000
          condition: '{{linkOpened}} = false'
          silent: true
          label: CLICK IF FAILED
        - type: wait
          for: 2s
          silent: true
          condition: '{{linkOpened}} = false'
        - type: js
          args: ''
          code: |-
            let openData = !!document.querySelector('[placeholder="Search"]');

            return openData;
          param: openData
          timeout: 15000
          label: CHECK IF HIDDEN
          silent: true
        - message: 💡 Following profiles hidden. Extracting what's accessible...
          type: say
          condition: '{{openData}} = false'
        - type: js
          args: count
          code: |-
            async function extractDataWithScroll(count) {
              // Find the dialog element
              const dialog = document.querySelector('div[role="dialog"]');
              if (!dialog) {
                console.error('Dialog not found');
                return null;

              const results = [];
              const uniqueUsernames = new Set();
              let retries = 0;
              const maxRetries = 10; // Limit the number of scrolling attempts

              // Function to scroll and wait for new content to load
              async function scrollAndWait() {
                const scrollableElement = document.querySelector('div[role="dialog"] div:has(> div > input) ~ div:last-child');
                if (scrollableElement) {
                  console.log('Scrolling to load more users...');
                  scrollableElement.scrollBy(0, 1000); // Scroll down by 1000 pixels
                  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 3000)); // Wait for 1 second for new elements to load
                } else {
                  console.error('Error: Unable to find the scrollable element.');

              // Function to extract user data from the current view
              async function extractUsers() {
                const userElements = dialog.querySelectorAll('div[role="dialog"] div[style*="flex-direction: column"] > div > div > div:nth-child(1)');
                let newUsersFound = false;

                for (const userElement of userElements) {
                  // Find the link element containing the username
                  const linkElement = userElement.querySelector('a[href^="/"][role="link"]');
                  if (!linkElement) continue;

                  // Extract username from the link
                  const link = linkElement.getAttribute('href');
                  const username = link.slice(1).replace('/', '');

                  // Skip if this username has already been processed
                  if (uniqueUsernames.has(username)) continue;

                  // Try to find the full name
                  let fullNameElement = linkElement.nextElementSibling;
                  let fullName = fullNameElement && fullNameElement.tagName === 'SPAN' 
                    ? fullNameElement.textContent.trim() 
                    : '';

                  // If full name not found, search in other span elements
                  if (!fullName) {
                    const spans = userElement.querySelectorAll('span');
                    for (const span of spans) {
                      const text = span.textContent.trim();
                      if (text && text !== username && text !== 'Search') {
                        fullName = text;

                  // If both username and full name are found, add to results
                  if (username && fullName) {
                      username: username,
                      fullName: fullName,
                      link: `https://www.instagram.com/${username}`
                    newUsersFound = true;

                return newUsersFound;

              // Main loop: extract users and scroll until target count is reached or max retries hit
              while (results.length < count && retries < maxRetries) {
                const newUsersFound = await extractUsers();
                console.log(`Collected ${results.length} users so far.`);

                if (results.length < count) {
                  await scrollAndWait();

                if (!newUsersFound) {
                } else {
                  retries = 0; // Reset the retry counter if new users were found

              console.log(`Total users found: ${results.length}`);
              // Trim the results array to the requested count
              if (results.length > count) {
                console.log(`Trimming results from ${results.length} to ${count}`);
              // Return the results as a JSON string, or undefined if no results
              return results.length > 0 ? JSON.stringify(results, null, 2) : undefined;

            // Function call and result output
            extractDataWithScroll(count).then(data => {
              console.log(data ? data : "No data found");

            // Return the promise from the function call
            return extractDataWithScroll(count);
          param: following
          timeout: 150000
          silent: true
        - type: calc
          func: extract-json
          to: following
          param: following
          index: all
        - list: instagram.following
          type: calc
          func: list-add
          index: ''
          item: following
        - message: ✅ Extracted {{following.length}} following profiles.
          type: say
      label: FOLLOWING
      condition: '{{option}} != followers'
      type: group
  type: group
- func: clone
  from: instagram
  type: calc
  to: g.json
- type: navigate
  url: https://www.instagram.com/{{username}}/
  waitForIdle: false
  silent: true
- type: control
  action: show
- message: JSON is stored in **{{g.json}}** and can be used in other commands.
  type: say
  interpolate: false
- param: final
    - label: 📦 EXPORT
      value: export
    - label: 🔗 SEND VIA WEBHOOK
      value: webhook
    - label: ✅ DONE
      value: done
    enabled: false
    mode: area
    hint: ''
    send: true
  type: ask
  message: ''
  default: ''
  optionsInvalid: false
- what: param
  condition: '{{final}} = export'
  type: export
  param: instagram
- steps:
    - message: 'Please provide the Webhook URL:'
      options: null
        enabled: false
        mode: area
        hint: ''
        send: true
      type: ask
      param: webhook
      default: ''
    - type: request
      url: '{{webhook}}'
      method: auto
      body: '{{instagram}}'
        enabled: false
        username: ''
        password: ''
      headers: null
      param: ''
      bodyInvalid: true
  label: WEBHOOK
  condition: '{{final}} = webhook'
  type: group
Notice: Please read before using

This automation command is created by a community member. HARPA AI team does not audit community commands.

Please review the command carefully and only install if you trust the creator.

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