- type: say
message: >-
📌 Extracts the Facebook post and all its comments. Use this command on a
post page that can be accessed by clicking the comments count button.
You can use this command or JS code as a base for creating other commands or
- type: ask
param: targetMessageCount
message: How many comments would you like to extract?
- label: 50 comments
value: 50
- label: 100 comments
value: 100
- label: 200 comments
value: 200
- $custom
default: ''
enabled: false
mode: area
send: true
hint: ''
optionsInvalid: false
- type: js
code: |
async function scrollAndCollectMessages(targetMessageCount) {
// Configuration object containing all DOM selectors
const config = {
postContent: '[role="dialog"] [data-ad-comet-preview="message"]',
postAuthor: '[role="dialog"] [data-ad-rendering-role="profile_name"]',
comment: '[role="dialog"] [role="article"]',
commentContent: '[role="dialog"] [role="article"] div[style="text-align: start;"]',
commentAuthor: '[role="dialog"] [role="article"] a[href*="/user/"] span',
commentTime: '[role="dialog"] [role="article"] li a[role="link"]'
// Main function to collect comments with scrolling functionality
async function scrollAndCollectComments() {
// Initialize storage arrays and counters
const comments = []
const uniqueComments = new Set()
let retries = 0
const maxRetries = 5
// Function to scroll down and wait for new content to load
async function scrollAndWait() {
const dialog = document.querySelector('[role=dialog]:not([aria-label])')
const children = [...dialog.querySelectorAll('*')]
const scroll = children.find(c => getComputedStyle(c).overflow === 'hidden auto')
scroll.scrollTop = scroll.scrollHeight
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1500))
// Function to scroll back to top
function scrollToTop() {
const dialog = document.querySelector('[role=dialog]:not([aria-label])')
const children = [...dialog.querySelectorAll('*')]
const scroll = children.find(c => getComputedStyle(c).overflow === 'hidden auto')
scroll.scrollTop = 0
// Function to extract comments from current view
function extractCurrentComments() {
const commentElements = document.querySelectorAll(config.comment)
let newCommentsFound = false
// Process each comment element
commentElements.forEach((comment) => {
const authorElement = comment.querySelector('a[href*="/user/"] span')
const timeElement = comment.querySelector('li a[role="link"]')
const contentElements = comment.querySelectorAll('div[style="text-align: start;"]')
if (authorElement && contentElements.length > 0) {
const author = authorElement.innerText || 'Unknown'
const time = timeElement?.innerText || ''
const content = Array.from(contentElements)
.map(el => el.innerText)
.join(' ')
const commentId = `${time}-${author}-${content}`
if (!uniqueComments.has(commentId) && author && content) {
const formattedComment = `${time}. ${author}: ${content}`
newCommentsFound = true
return newCommentsFound
// Main collection loop - continue until target reached or max retries exceeded
while (comments.length < targetMessageCount && retries < maxRetries) {
const newCommentsFound = extractCurrentComments()
if (comments.length < targetMessageCount) {
await scrollAndWait()
if (!newCommentsFound) {
} else {
retries = 0
// Trim excess messages if needed
if (comments.length > targetMessageCount) {
// Scroll back to top after collection
return comments
try {
const result = {
author: document.querySelector(config.postAuthor)?.innerText || '',
originalPost: document.querySelector(config.postContent)?.innerText || '',
comments: await scrollAndCollectComments()
return result
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error during data collection:', error)
return null
return scrollAndCollectMessages(targetMessageCount)
param: array
timeout: 15000
args: targetMessageCount
silent: true
- type: say
message: |-
**Data Array:**
This automation command is created by a community member. HARPA AI team does not audit community commands.
Please review the command carefully and only install if you trust the creator.
All rights reserved © HARPA AI TECHNOLOGIES LLC, 2021 — 2024
Designed and engineered in Finland 🇫🇮