๐Ÿ”—ย ย Extracts YouTube Links

Extracts video links from a YouTube channel.

Created by HARPA AI
Updated on Nov 11, 2024 07:21
Installed 311 times

How to Use



- steps:
    - steps:
        - code: |
            function extractYouTubeProfileName() {
                const url = window.location.href;
                const regex = /youtube\.com\/(@[^\/]+)/;
                const match = url.match(regex);
                return match ? match[1] : null;

            const profileName = extractYouTubeProfileName();
            return profileName;
          param: profile
          type: js
          args: ''
          silent: true
        - to: EXTRACT VID URLS
          condition: |
            {{url}} =~ ^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/@[\w\.\-_]+\/videos
          type: jump
      label: VIDEOS PAGE
      type: group
      condition: |
        {{url}} =~ ^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/@[\w\.\-_]+\/videos
    - steps:
        - type: js
          code: |
            function extractYouTubeProfileName() {
                const url = window.location.href;
                const regex = /youtube\.com\/(@[^\/]+)/;
                const match = url.match(regex);
                return match ? match[1] : null;

            const profileName = extractYouTubeProfileName();
            return profileName;
          args: ''
          param: profile
          silent: true
        - url: 'https://www.youtube.com/{{profile}}/videos '
          type: navigate
          waitForIdle: false
          silent: true
        - text: Popular
          timeout: 1500
          type: wait
          for: text-to-appear
          silent: true
        - type: jump
          to: EXTRACT VID URLS
      condition: >
        {{url}} =~
      type: group
    - steps:
        - code: |+
            function extractUserHandle() {
                const userLinkElement = document.querySelector('a.yt-simple-endpoint.style-scope.ytd-video-owner-renderer');
                if (userLinkElement) {
                    const href = userLinkElement.getAttribute('href');
                    return href.substring(1); 
                return 'NOT FOUND';

            const userHandle = extractUserHandle();
            return userHandle;

          type: js
          args: ''
          param: profile
          silent: true
        - message: >-
            ๐Ÿงญ It seems to be a video page. I'm navigating to the author's
            profile - {{profile}}.
          type: say
        - url: https://www.youtube.com/{{profile}}/videos
          type: navigate
          waitForIdle: false
          silent: true
        - type: wait
          for: text-to-appear
          text: Popular
          timeout: 1500
          silent: true
        - type: jump
          to: EXTRACT VID URLS
      label: VIDEO PAGE
      condition: '{{url}} =~ ^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch.*'
      type: group
    - steps:
        - message: >-
            ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€๏ธ Please provide a link to a YouTube video, a YouTube profile,
            or a channel's video page.
          type: ask
          param: url
          options: null
          default: ''
        - type: navigate
          url: '{{url}}'
          waitForIdle: false
          silent: true
        - type: control
          action: show
        - type: wait
          for: idle
          timeout: 15000
        - to: CHECK URL
          type: jump
      label: NEED YT URL
      type: group
    - type: control
      action: show
  type: group
  label: CHECK URL
- steps:
    - code: |
        return Array
          .map(a => {
            const ariaLabel = a.getAttribute('aria-label') || '';
            const viewsMatch = ariaLabel.match(/(\d[\d,]*) views/);
            const timeAgoMatch = ariaLabel.match(/views (.+) ago/);
            const url = a.href.startsWith('http') ? a.href : 'https://www.youtube.com' + a.getAttribute('href');

            return {
              url: url,
              title: a.getAttribute('title') || a.innerText.trim(),
              views: viewsMatch ? parseInt(viewsMatch[1].replace(/,/g, '')) : null,
              publishedTimeAgo: timeAgoMatch ? timeAgoMatch[1].trim() : null
          .filter(item =>
            item.url.includes('/watch?v=') &&
            item.views !== null &&
            item.publishedTimeAgo !== null);
      label: FIND ITEMS
      type: js
      args: ''
      param: videos
      silent: true
    - code: |
        function sortVideosByDate(videos) {
            const timeAgoToDays = timeAgo => {
                const matches = timeAgo.match(/(\d+)\s*(\w+)/);
                if (!matches) return Infinity;

                const num = parseInt(matches[1]);
                const unit = matches[2];

                if (unit.startsWith('day')) {
                    return num;
                } else if (unit.startsWith('week')) {
                    return num * 7;
                } else if (unit.startsWith('month')) {
                    return num * 30;
                } else if (unit.startsWith('year')) {
                    return num * 365;
                } else if (unit.startsWith('hour')) {
                    return num / 24;
                } else if (unit.startsWith('minute')) {
                    return num / 1440;
                } else {
                    return Infinity;

            return videos.sort((a, b) => timeAgoToDays(a.publishedTimeAgo) - timeAgoToDays(b.publishedTimeAgo));

        const videos = args.videos;

        const sortedVideos = sortVideosByDate(videos);
        return sortedVideos;
      label: SORT ITEMS
      type: js
      args: videos
      param: videos
      silent: true
    - code: |-
        const videos = args.videos;
        if (videos.length === 0)
          return 'Found no videos on this page.'

        let markdownText = `## Found ${videos.length} videos on this page:\n`;
        videos.forEach((video, index) => {
          const title = video.title.replace(/"/g, '\\"');
          markdownText += `${index + 1}. [${title}](${video.url}), ${video.views.toLocaleString()} views, ${video.publishedTimeAgo} ago\n`;

        return markdownText;
      label: MESSAGE
      type: js
      args: videos
      param: markdownText
      silent: true
    - condition: '{{videos.length}} = 0'
      type: stop
  type: group
- type: say
  message: '{{markdownText}}'
- param: ask-action
    - label: โœ… DONE
      value: done
    - label: ๐Ÿ“ฆ EXPORT LIST
      value: export
  type: ask
  message: ''
  default: ''
  optionsInvalid: false
- condition: '{{ask-action}} = done'
  type: stop
- condition: '{{ask-action}} = export'
  type: export
  what: param
  param: videos
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