✍️  Email Writer: GMail, ProtonMail, Outlook, FastMail

The Best AI Email Drafter that follows your style instructions and works perfectly with Gmail, ProtonMail, Outlook, and FastMail

Created by Erik Nielsen
Updated on Dec 13, 2024 11:14
Installed 77 times

How to Use



- type: group
    - type: say
      message: >-
        Could not read email from the opened page. Please open email in GMail,
        ProtonMail, Outlook, FastMail and run this command again.
    - type: stop
  condition: '{{email}} ='
- type: ask
  param: style
  message: |-
    How to respond? 

    **Tip:** edit this command to add more options
    - label: ✅ ACKNOWLEDGE
      value: Acknowledge information.
    - label: ⛔ NOT INTERESTED
      value: >-
        I'm not interested in the email, reply should be a short polite decline
        of the offer due to other priorities.
    - label: 👍 AGREE
      value: Reply with an agreement.
    - label: 👎 DISAGREE
      value: Reply with a disagreement.
    - label: ❓ QUESTION
      value: Ask a relevant question.
    - label: 🤔 CLARIFY
      value: Request to clarify the information.
    - label: 💯 PRAISE
      value: Praise the message author.
    - label: 🤗 EMPATHY
      value: Emphasize with the message author.
    - label: 🤞 SUPPORT
      value: Support the message author.
    - label: 💪 ENCOURAGE
      value: Encourage the message author.
    - label: 🤨 CRITICIZE
      value: Criticise the message.
    - label: 🙏 APOLOGY
      value: Apologise to the message author.
    - label: 💡 IDEA
      value: Come up with a relevant idea.
    - label: 😂 JOKE
      value: Write a relevant joke.
    - $custom
  default: ''
    enabled: false
    mode: area
    hint: ''
    send: true
  optionsInvalid: false
- type: gpt
  prompt: >-
    You are an expert at quickly distilling key points from raw notes into
    concise, action-oriented emails. Your goal is to draft a short, effective
    email based on the [Context] and [Response idea] provided, stripping out any
    fluff or bloat.

    Follow this process to draft the email:

    - Carefully read through the raw thoughts to identify the core objective and
    any specific requests or action items. 

    - Organize the key points into a logical flow: Open with a clear statement
    of purpose Concisely provide essential context or details 

    - Explicitly state any asks, next steps or deadlines 

    Ruthlessly edit the email down to the bare essentials, eliminating: 

    - Unnecessary background or tangents 

    - Redundant statements or excessive explanations 

    - Assumed knowledge or unsupported claims 

    - Excessive pleasantries or apologies 

    - Close with a specific call-to-action that reinforces the desired outcome
    and respects the recipient's time. 


    - The entire email should ideally be 5 sentences or less. 

    - Avoid long greetings or signoffs. A simple "Hi [Name]," and "Thanks," or
    "Best," works. Don't include "fluff" like talk of the weather, well wishes,
    or apologies for writing the email. 

    - Assume the recipient is busy. Get straight to the point. 

    Style guide:

    - Use a polite but direct tone. 

    - Be personable but efficient. 

    - Write at an 8th grade reading level. 

    - Use simple words and sentence structures. 

    - Avoid jargon, acronyms or $10 words. 

    - Use plain, everyday language. 

    - Write in the active voice. 

    - Make requests clear and unambiguous. 

    Follow this Output format, do not add any notes or general phrases:



    [Specific, descriptive subject line]


    **Email response:**


    Hi [Name],

    [1-2 sentence opener clearly stating purpose]

    [1-2 sentences of essential context or details]

    [Specific request, ask or call-to-action - if needed]

    [Signoff], [Your name]



    [Info about me]: {{userinfo}}

    [Context]: {{email}}

    [Response idea]: {{style}}


    Now come back with an email draft and subject draft in required format:
  isolated: true
Notice: Please read before using

This automation command is created by a community member. HARPA AI team does not audit community commands.

Please review the command carefully and only install if you trust the creator.

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